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Provo City School District

Spring Creek Elementary School

Spring Creek Elementary School News :

Yadrian and his parents came to our Annual Title I meeting during parent-teacher conferences. He entered his name into the raffle we were having and won a Kindle Fire! Congratulations...

Our opera students had the opportunity to meet with professional composer, Margot Murdoch. They were able to shape the melodies, dynamics, tempos, and rhythms of some songs they have been creating....

Mrs. Franklin spent inside recess speed walking with the students through the halls and stairways. She sure likes her walking...

Congratulations to Mrs. Leslie Stilson!  The Provo School District Foundation awarded Mrs. Stilson a Mini-Grant of $500.  This year 10 grants in the amount of $500 will be awarded.   The purpose...

Looking for some great Holiday Activities to do with your family? Provo City School District’s Parent Academy has put together this wonderful resource of Holiday activities/events taking place...

Right before Thanksgiving Break, Mrs. Arnesen's class had the opportunity to learn how to make butter just like the Pilgrims did.  It took a lot of shaking, but it worked and they even got to enjoy...

The Principal 200 Club Activity happens when we get 10 in a row on the Principal's 200 Club Banner.  The students who have Be Cards in that row attend the activity.  We had a hot chocolate party in...

These students had the opportunity to get a reward from Mrs. Franklin because they were caught doing something kind, safe or responsible last week. Way to...
