Última modificación: 12 de marzo de 2025
Annual Title 1 Meeting Page
- Parent Guides to Student Success
- Download Annual Title 1 Meeting Page Slideshow
- Download Annual Title 1 Meeting Page Slideshow in Spanish
Primaria Spring Creek
¿Qué es el Título I?
Title I, Part A is a federal education law that provides funding to support schools based on income status. In Utah, census data and free/reduced lunch applications determine poverty status. Funding is allocated to schools with high needs and is not based on academic performance.
Our School Information:
- Free/Reduced Lunch: 72%
- Lunch Application Information
Title I Funds
- Our School Plan drives the use of funds
- Curriculum materials for academic interventions and extensions
- Support staff: paraprofessionals and school Title I Coordinator
- Professional Development
- Parent Engagement Activities
- Lecturas en familia
Información académica
Parents Guides to Success
Parents are important partners in achieving the Utah State Board of Education’s vision that “each student is prepared to succeed and lead by having knowledge and skills to learn, engage civically, and lead meaningful lives.” The purpose of this document is to help parents better understand what their children should learn, when a child may need more help, or when a child would benefit from extra challenges. By using these resources, you may find more ways to advance your child’s learning at home while encouraging growth in their communication, critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
Core Instruction:
Utah State Standards are the foundation for all instruction. Provo City School District provides local school board approved curriculum programs for each content area. In Provo, the curriculum used in all classrooms K-6 is called Into Math and is the primary source of instruction for all students.
Enrichment & Interventions:
Students who need academic enrichment or intervention are provided extra support during the school day with approved curriculum.
Core Instruction:
Utah State Standards are the foundation for all instruction. Provo City School District provides local school board approved curriculum programs for each content area. In Provo, the curriculum used in all classrooms K-5 is called Wonders, and in 6th grade it is called StudySync. These are the primary source of instruction for all students.
Enrichment & Interventions:
Students who need academic enrichment or intervention are provided extra support during the school day with approved curriculum.
Core Instruction:
Utah State Standards are the foundation for all instruction. Provo City School District provides local school board approved curriculum programs for each content area. In Provo, the curriculum used in classrooms is the SEEd Storylines for K-5th and FOSS for 6th grade and is the primary source of instruction for all students.
Enrichment & Interventions:
Students who need academic enrichment or intervention are provided extra support during the school day with approved curriculum.
Multilingual Learners
Language support for students who are multilingual learners, ML, is provided in multiple ways. Students are provided extra support in accessing academic language as they learn to listen, speak, read and write the English language. All ML students, depending on their individual needs, have access to additional resources in the following ways:
- In-class sheltered instruction
- Small group instruction
- Individual instruction
We want to celebrate the hard work and determination of our Spring Creek students! In the state’s comparison of “like” schools, Spring Creek ranked 4/21 in both Science and Math and 6/21 in English Language Arts!
Students are learning to “own their learning” which is one of our SOAR attributes! Way to go Spring Creek!
Parents' Rights
Working Together!
- Teacher Qualifications: You have a right to know the qualifications of your child’s teacher & instructional assistants.
- Decision Making: You have a right to participate in decisions affecting your child.
- Parent Engagement: You have a right to engage with faculty regularly for parent engagement opportunities.
- School Plan: You have a right to be part of the school plan and make suggestions.
Something not right? If you believe something is not right, please contact the school principal here: Jay Porter
You may also contact Michelle Eldredge, Director of Title I for Provo School District: meldredge@provo.edu
Participación de los padres
Participación de los padres
- Progress in School:
- Parent-Teacher Conferences in November & February
- Standards Reports 4 times/year
- Big Activities:
- Espectacular Spring Creek
- Watch Dogs!
- Noche comunitaria de Spring Creek
- Festival de danza
- Activities:
- Grade Level Activities
- Family READS!
- Kids Read Now Summer Reading Program (K-3rd)
- Feria STEM
- After School Theater Performance and Art Salon
- School Teams: Please volunteer to be part of the PTA and/or School Community Council.
Política de participación de padres y familias
At Spring Creek Elementary, we hold an annual meeting, have flexible meeting times, and involve parents. We feel it is important to have a shared responsibility for student achievement.
Find our policy here: Página web de Spring Creek
Available at:
- Annual Title I Meeting on August 8, 2024
- Parent-Teacher Conferences
- Main Office
- Title I Office
Pacto escuela-padres-familia
This policy outlines the responsibility of the students, parents, teachers, and the school with the purpose of improving academic achievement for students.
Find the Compact here: Página web de Spring Creek
Available at:
- Annual Title I Meeting on August 8, 2024