I spent the month of February thinking about the things I love about Spring Creek. I would love to share these thoughts with you for our March Newsletter.
What I Love About Spring Creek
- Spring Creek students represent us so well. They have received multiple compliments on their respectful behavior in general and their hard work in the classroom.
- Spring Creek teachers work hard to provide the most effective instruction they can in the classroom. They received a compliment after our February professional development meeting from a guest presenter about how engaged, interested and open they were to everything that was presented during our almost 4 hour school meeting.
- The Spring Creek staff, from the instructional assistants, to the kitchen staff, to the custodial staff to the front office, believe that they are an important part of our team. They care about our students and show them compassion every day.
- We believe in continuous progress for all. We LEARN together. Have you seen our accountability report? Be sure to note the progress rating. “EXEMPLARY!!” We are one of the two schools in Provo City School District to receive this Progress Rating. Click here for the link to view the report.
- The Spring Creek PTA is amazing. Freedom Week was fabulous. We all deserve “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness” and we understand what that is a little better. Karolyn Davis our award winning custodian — she is definitely our “Freedom’s Light” example.
- The parents of the students at Spring Creek are supportive and advocate for their children. We couldn’t do what we do without you. Thank you for being a crucial member of our team.
- Spring Creek is a happy and safe place to be.
As we finish up Term 3 and prepare to go into Term 4 we are excited about finishing the year strong. Please watch for information about exciting programs that will be showcasing the work student have done this year and important testing dates.
Mrs. Franklin
Spring Creek Principal
- 7 – Info meeting for 5th gd Camp Big Springs @ Sunset View 6p
- 10 – DAY LIGHT SAVINGS Turn your clocks one hour ahead!
- 11 – 5th Camp Big Springs Registration Due
- 19 – (3rd/4th) Battle of the Books Competition 10am
- 20 – (1st) Field Trip
- 20-22 – Kindergarten Registration 1-3p
- 22 – School Community Council 10a
- 25-29 – Staff Appreciation Week- Volunteers Needed
- 28 – Art and After School Showcase 6-7p
- 29 – (2nd) Field Trip
- 29 – Staff Appreciation Assembly 1p
Monthly Safety Message
We are trying to do meaningful emergency drills that include unannounced times and times when students would be away from their classrooms. We need to practice as many scenarios as we can. Officer Edwards, our school resource officer, reminded us that the important part of the drill is actually the discussion that comes afterward. We had a Lockdown Drill at the end of February that went well. We will debrief about that drill in our March Faculty Meeting and determine what we need to do to be more prepared. We know that if we practice we will be more prepared.
2019/20 Kindergarten Registration
Wednesday, March 20th – Friday, March 22nd
1:00pm-3:30pm ~ School Office/Conference Room
**Please help us spread the word by giving this information to your neighbors**
Your child must be 5 years old on or before September 1, 2019 to be enrolled in Kindergarten.
Prior to coming to the school complete the information required online at (Computers will be available at the school if you prefer to do it at that time.):
Step 1
Go to and click on the NEW Student Registration Tab and fill out the form. Wait to receive an email from the school with Username and Password
Step 2
- Go to
- Click on Student/Parent Sign in Tab
- Click on the icon with the arrow (top right)
- Click on School Forms
- Select your child and fill out the forms
The school will receive a confirmation when the online registration has been completed.
Bring the following with you to the school:
- Child’s Original Birth Certificate
- Immunization Record
- Proof of Residence
- Guardian Picture ID
**Note: Full Day Kindergarten Is Not Guaranteed**
Spring Creek and Provo School District Outstanding Educator
Spring Creek and Provo Council PTA is pleased to present our 2018-2019 Utah Outstanding Educator Award winner, Ms. Julianna Gylseth. Ms. Gylseth is the music teacher at Spring Creek Elementary. Ms. Gylseth is in her 14th year of teaching at Spring Creek. She sees all students at the school twice a week for a total of one hour instruction. In addition to being the music teacher, she also directs the Spring Creek choir, which involves students in grades three through six. Ms. Gylseth is also heavily involved in specialties teaching at the school, where she is the lead of the Specialty Teacher Team, which includes library, keyboarding, art, physical education, and extended day activities. Ms. Gylseth will attend Teacher Professional Development and bring the important concepts back to the other teachers and help them implement them into their own teaching. Ms. Gylseth is an exceptional teacher, and all teachers appreciate her ability to connect and work with students of all abilities. She is a truly talented musician who is particularly adept at sharing and teaching others of all levels.
Ms. Gylseth is an integral part of the Spring Creek Elementary and the musical community at large. She is talented, knowledgeable, friendly, kind, and an exceptional teacher. All who have worked with her love her and we are so grateful to have her at Spring Creek. A parent of three former students at the school stated, “Julianna will always be one of those marked people that I will forever be grateful to for molding and helping to create strength in my young children. She believed in them, she loved them, and she shared her beautiful gifts. Through harmonies and rhythms, she has made a powerful difference in the lives of our children.” We are honored to have Julianna Gylseth at Spring Creek Elementary.
Freedom’s Light Award Winner 2019
The Freedom’s Light Award is given by PTA each year to a person in the school who exemplifies the qualities that are part of the theme. This year’s theme is from the Declaration of Independence and is “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.” Our Freedom’s Light Award for 2019 goes to Karolyn Davis, our head custodian.
Our Freedom’s Light Award Winner this year is an integral part of Spring Creek. They are a person who everyone enjoys interacting with. This is someone who is willing to jump in and help anyone, and they are known as a person who solves problems in a creative way. If they aren’t able to do it in an obvious way, they come up with something innovative and get the job done. This person is willing, dedicated, and an extremely hard worker. Our winner this year is exceptionally talented—they have many different talents, and members of the staff are constantly impressed by what they learn about and from this person. This person has a myriad of interests and talents and is always willing to share.
Our Freedom’s Light Winner has a staff of younger people that they work with, and these people truly enjoying working with them. Our winner has a way of making her workers feel appreciated and understands the importance of what they do.
One of the most remarkable characteristics of our Freedom’s Light Winner is her happiness. She is the most friendly, loving, fun, and enjoyable person. Everyone from the principal to the teachers, the staff and the students love this person. She is truly someone who embodies the Freedom’s Light Award.
Spring Creek 2018-19 Teacher of Year
Lori Carlson was selected by her peers as the Spring Creek 2018-19 Teacher of the Year.
Lori genuinely cares about teachers. She advocates for teachers and contributes the teacher perspective to decisions that need to be made. She thinks of ways that she can lighten the load for her colleagues. Our interns are very successful year after year due to the time and attention they receive from Lori. She joins their team and contributes to the team in ways that are helpful and meaningful. Lori supports school events by attending and helping out wherever she can. Spring Creek is often ahead of the game due to Lori’s proactive work to make sure that we are informed. In many ways Lori is the Jack of all trades at Spring Creek from testing to professional development, to bus duty, to sub coverage, to behavior support, to instructional support, to her sense of humor she is a teacher through and through. Spring Creek just wouldn’t be Spring Creek without her.
Crystal Apple Award Winner
Mrs. Blair is definitely an award winning educator. From her inviting room, to her well planned lessons to her positive emails home to parents she makes school a place where students know what it looks like to be successful. Michelle is an excellent team member for her fourth grade team and contributes to our Spring Creek School team as well. She is willing to do the very hard work being an educator requires. She handles difficult situations with grace and sensitivity. Michelle also sets goals for herself and watches for opportunities to attend professional development that will help her reach those goals. Spring Creek and the Education Profession is lucky to have her.
Golden Apple Winner
The Spring Creek Elementary Golden Apple winner is Suzanne Martinez, and she is an exceptionally kind person. She cares deeply about her students and spends hours communicating with parents to provide them with information about their students’ progress and performance at school. She seeks input on how to best work with the children. She is often emotional about how much she cares about them, and will even attend extracurricular activities to support her students. She wants them to feel good about school and to be happy learning. Her students love her and can feel her understanding and dedication to them. Past students have commented how much they loved her, and knew that she loved them. Mrs. Martinez is also very aware of her colleagues. She takes them dinner when they are sick. She takes their bus duty if they need help. She advocates for them with PEA as their representative. She stays for the PTA-sponsored Spring Creek Spectacular, helping wherever she is needed each year to support PTA. She plays the silly minute to win it games for the teacher appreciation assembly and does it with a smile. She is a great sport in supporting PTA and PTA-sponsored activities. She is heavily involved in the positive learning environment at Spring Creek and we are so lucky to have her. One parent stated, “My students were at a young age when they had Mrs. Martinez, and it was her love and encouragement that added the extra element of joy and magic in her classroom. She was a gift to my children and is a gift to all the young learners at Spring Creek.”
Last day of After School Spring semester classes will be Thursday, March 28th
Arts & After School Program showcase will be held on Thursday, March 28th from 6:00 – 7:30pm. Please join us for an exciting family night of Fine arts and fun. Our day school Art Teacher, Mrs. Roberts will have an Art Gallery hung though out the hallways of the school for students and families to enjoy. Come see the great things happening in Mrs Roberts day school Art class! Our After School Theater classes will be performing in “Peter Pan” and our After school Yoga class will have a great opening presentation. All attendees will be able to enter a raffle to win one of our cool prizes that night. Watch the Spring Creek website for additional details and flyer for the event.
-We have had several students read Wishtree by Katherine Applegate. Each student writes a wish of their own after reading the book and then ties it on our Spring Creek Wishtree. Each student performs an act of kindness and then receives a free t-shirt. T-shirts were graciously donated by Namify. We have plenty of shirts to give away, so keep reading!
-Once again, the book fair was a success! A big ‘thank you’ goes out to the many volunteers who helped set up and run the fair each day. We appreciate the support of families, students, and staff in making purchases. We exceeded our goal once again which will bring in some much-needed books into our library. Our Spring Creek community is amazing!
-The final round of competition for Battle of the Books will be held on Tuesday, March 19th @10:00am in the Library. Battle teams should be reading books, memorizing titles and authors, and reviewing book details. There will be several preliminary battles where students can accumulate points during library time during the months of February and March. The top 2 or 3 teams will participate in the final round. The top team will go on to compete in the district battle on April 18th @ 4:30pm at Provo High School.
Preschool Registration Now Open
- Child must be 4 years old by September 1st 2019
- Must live within the boundary of one of the 7 Title 1 schools
- Child must be screened to qualify for the preschool.
Visit District Preschool page to register
Contact Ari LeCheminant at 801-370-4616 or email her at
Monthly Drawing
Congratulations to Wyatt Wilcox for winning our monthly Box Tops drawing!
School Wide Contest!
Mrs. Reeve’s class is in the lead with 335 Box Tops turned in so far!
Next Box Top collection is March 8th.
Miss the deadline? Don’t worry, turn them into your teacher anytime!
Thank you all for your help and participation in Freedom Week! It was a huge success!
School Calendars
Social Media
Follow us for exciting news, updates & fun school up- dates at:
- Instagram: @springcreekprovo
- Facebook:
- Twitter: @SpringCreekPCSD