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Provo City School District

Spring Creek Elementary School


Spring is in the air today.  This is the time of year when we get to watch the Earth come back to life with the greens and vibrant colors blooming all around us.  The warmth of the sun fills us with energy and enthusiasm to be outside. It is my goal to bring all of this color and energy into our work here at the school.  Our Spring Creek Team – students, teachers, support staff, parents and community are an amazing group of people. We are not afraid of hard work or the challenging demands that come our way.

We are seeing so much progress in our students.  Their increase in capacity to accomplish their academic work and improve their decision-making skills in all areas is helping them find success.  I am so proud of them. I am proud of the way they are treating one another, the way they are setting and meeting goals, the way they are willing to accept responsibility and the way they are problem solving both academically and socially.  I feel like the proud parent of over 400 children. I hope that you know how much I care about your children, not just as students but also as the wonderful people that they are.

As we wrap up this third term of the year…I know, can you even believe that we are almost three quarters of the way through this year, I want to encourage us all to carry on with the energy that spring will bring.  We need to continue strong. It will take all of us to help our wonderful students to be able to show how far they have come this year. Carry on and enjoy the beauty that is all around us and especially in our wonderful students.

Please watch for information about exciting programs that will be showcasing the work the students have done this year and important testing dates.

Mrs Franklin

Spring Creek Principal



  • 03- Dental Varnish see below for more info
  • 05- Spring Pictures see below for more info
  • 08- Jump ahead one hour for Day Light Savings
  • 13- Box Tops Collections
    • Camp Big Springs Registration CLOSES
    • Preschool Parent Activity
    • 4th grade field trip. Bean Museum BYU
    • PTA Meeting 10am
    • Mobile Food Pantry @ Franklin Elementary 3:15-4:45p
  • 18- 1st Grade field trip Hoogle Zoo
  • 20- Battle of the Books Assembly w/PTA
  • 23- Mobile Food Pantry @ Franklin Elementary 3:15-4:15
  • 23-27- Kindergarten Registration in School Office 1:30-3:30p
  • 25th  District Elementary Choir Festival Field Trip, 9:00 – 11:30a
    • District Honor Choir Performance, 7:00 p.m., Timpview Auditorium
  • 27- 2nd Grade Field Trip Harward Farms
    • School community Council 10am
  • 30th-April 3rd- Staff Appreciation Week
  • April 1-st- Arts & After School Showcase (with Theater performance)
  • April 3rd- Staff Appreciation Assembly
  • Spring Break ~ April 6th-10th


We will be starting a Safety Reminder Message.  It will be sent out every other Friday via Parent Link with a brief reminder of something we can all do to help students stay safe.  Our first message will go out on March 6th.


Families, we are excited to announce that we have officially kicked off our Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS) Pennies for Patients program on Friday, February 28th! We are raising funds to help the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society fund life-saving research. This event will run from Friday, February 28th through Friday, March 13th. Your child will be coming home with their own collection box and a flyer that explains all of the exciting Hero Gear students can receive by collecting money in their box.

We will collect all donations on Fridays only! On Friday, March 6th and Friday, March 13th, we will have tables set up in front of the front office before school to collect donations and distribute any incentives your child may have earned. If we earn at least, $750.00 overall, the class that raises the most money will win a Party from Olive Garden.

This year, we are also encouraging students to set up an online page to receive donations, so that our school can make our biggest impact ever for the Mission of LLS. Join our squad by clicking HERE . You can share our school’s link or your child’s online LLS page link to your social media to help raise money for Pennies for Patients!

Please contact Kimmy Martinez, Extended Learning Coordinator, with any questions you have regarding Pennies for Patients fundraising efforts and activities at 801.370.4650 ext 2481

When heroes work together, we change cancer!

Dental Varnishing

~ Tuesday, March 3rd

Each student needs to have their own completed and signed consent form and only students who have a form will have the varnishing done. Please send in the form even if you do not want to have the varnishing done.


Important After School Program dates:

  • 03/11/20 – Last day of Sports Club 3rd & 4th grade
  • 03/12/20 – Last day of Sports Club 5th & 6th grade
  • 03/16/20 – 04/01 – All Theater Classes will attend Monday – Thursday
  • 03/28/20 – Robotics Competition at BYU
  • 04/01/20 – Arts & After School Showcase (with Theater performance)
  • 04/02/20 – Last Day of After School Program – Spring Semester

Coming soon…. After School Academy (late Spring) After School Academy is planning an academic only program to run Monday – Thursday, April 13th – May 7th. This class will be by teacher referral only with a focus on testing strategies, targeted academic interventions, and homework. If your child needs to attend, you will receive a letter requesting your child to attend this program. Please feel free to contact Ms Martinez with any questions you may have regarding After School Programs and events at 801.370.4650 ext 2481 or

Summer Program We are also planning a FUN Summer Enrichment Program at Spring Creek this June 2020. The program will run Monday, June 1st – Thursday, June 25th, Monday – Thursday, 9:00am – 12:00pm. This program will include fun activities plus two free meals, breakfast and lunch, as well as a bus for those who normally ride the bus to school. Watch for further details in April! Enrollment forms will go home on the last week of April.

Spring Picture Day

~ Thursday, March 5th

Only students with an order form or ordered online will have their picture taken. The school office has more forms.

You can pre-pay online, send cash or check. If sending cash please use the order form envelope and send the exact amount. The school does not have change.

*Siblings two years old and older are invited from 11:00-11:30


Click here to register

Description:2020/21 Kindergarten Registration Monday, March 23rd – Friday, March 27th 1:30pm-3:30pm ~ Front Office **Please help us spread the word by giving this information to your neighbors**

Your child must be 5 years old on or before September 1, 2020 to be enrolled in Kindergarten.

Prior to coming to the school complete the information required online at (Computers will be available at the school if you prefer to do it at that time.):

Step 1 Go to Click on the NEW Student Registration Tab and fill out the form

Wait to receive an email from the school with Username and Password

Step 2 Go to Click on Student/Parent Sign in Tab UPDATE: Click on the icon with the arrow (top right) Click on School Forms Select your child and fill out the forms

The school will receive a confirmation when the online registration has been completed.

Bring the following with you to the school: -Child’s Original Birth Certificate -Immunization Record -Proof of Residence -Guardian Picture ID

**Note: Full Day Kindergarten Is Not Guaranteed


Parents, it is time to begin registering students for preschool for the 2020-2021 school year. To be eligible for preschool, a few criteria must be met:

  • Your child must be 4 years old by September 1, 2020
  • You must live within the boundaries of one of the 7 Title I schools
  • Your child must be screened to qualify for the preschool.

Please visit the link below to register for this process.

District Preschool Webpage


Story Cupboard Book Fair

The book fair was a success! Thank you to all the volunteers that helped with setting up and packing up the fair! I honestly could not do it without you.

There was positive feedback from teachers and parents about the great selection of quality books available. I would love any additional feedback from the Spring Creek community. Let me know your ideas to make the book fair even better!

Battle of the Books: 

We have officially started the competition rounds for Battle of the Books! Look for the informational letter sent home with all participants for the details. There will be a fun exhibition Battle of the Books assembly where the teachers and staff will face off against the PTA on Friday, March 20th at 10am in the gym! The final Battle of the Books assemblies for the students will take place on Thursday, March 26th in the library for both the 3rd/4th grade level and the 5th/6th grade level. The final 2 or 3 teams who have accumulated the most points in the class library time competition rounds will be in the final battles. Please support your students’ reading at home this month and encourage them to learn all about their assigned books.

Golden Apple Teacher Award

We would like to congratulate Mrs. Jackie McDermott as our 2019-20 Golden Apple Teacher

Our Golden Apple Teacher this year is a reflective teacher that works hard to  determine the needs of her students. Mrs McDermott is honest with both parents and students about what she sees as the barriers for her students meeting their potential. She is also dedicated to helping them overcome those barriers. She works hard to balance student accountability with caring supports. She understands that there many factors that affect her students and wants to help them feel safe and cared for while they are at school. Mrs. Franklin shares that she is one of the teachers that looks back at the feedback she receives and addresses that feedback in her formal observations. She has a genuine desire to improve her ability to provide effective instruction for her students. When asked what they remember or like about Mrs McDermott, her current and past students mention her smile, her pretty room, her laugh, the fun homework parties and that she really cared about them…she also has good prizes.  We are lucky to have Mrs McDermott here at Spring Creek.

Utah Outstanding Educator Award

We are happy to announce this year’s Spring Creek Outstanding Educator, Mrs. Lisa Bringhurst.

This year’s Outstanding Educator Award goes to a teacher that is an example of grit. She has taught for many years but most wouldn’t guess how many. Even Superintendent Rittell was surprised to find out how experienced she was as an educator.  Her humor and with-it-ness make her a great fit for the students she works with. Her desire for students to be prepared for what comes next is great and drives her high expectations for students. Her experience teaching her grade level makes her well prepared to help students meet those high expectations.  She knows well the common errors that students make in the grade level curriculum and sets them up to not make those mistakes. She knows what students their age enjoy and tries to incorporate that into her teaching and classroom culture. She is known for being a great mentor for university students that are working on their education degrees. In a time when fewer and fewer people are going into education it is crucial that we provide these university students with quality experiences with supportive experienced teachers. Mrs Bringhurst is definitely doing her part to do that. One of her previous students mentions that she really liked sharing book titles for reading for pleasure back and forth with this teacher. This student is long gone from Spring Creek but says she and Mrs Bringhurst still suggest books to read to each other every now and then. She is a favorite of many Spring Creek Alumni.

Spring Creek 2019-20 Teacher of the Year

Congratulations Allie Stewart.  Your colleagues have voted you Spring Creek’s Teacher of the Year.

Allie Steward joined us not that many years ago. She joined the team and it was like they had been working together for years.  Her balance of easy-goingness and high expectations make her a great fit for the students she teaches. She has a can do attitude and a willingness to try new things that is very much appreciated by many here at Spring Creek. She is complimentary of her colleagues and recognizes that she can learn a lot from them. Her students say that she is funny and that they like coming to school because she helps them understand what they need to know and makes class fun. They also say that she  teaches them about interesting things.  Miss Stewart has willingly taken some of our most at risk and challenging students and helped them to be successful in ways that may not have been possible without her ability to look past some of their quirky, annoying and challenging behavior. With only a few years under her belt she was one of the teachers that was recognized last year for being a teacher in an at-risk school that had a very high percentage of students showing progress on their end of level tests. During the last few years here at Spring Creek she has taken over the Science/STEM Fair and we have seen the number of students participating almost triple.  The gym was packed last week with families that came to support their children during the awards and the raffle presentation. She also has great holiday shirts!  Congratulations Allie Stewart.  Your colleagues have voted you Spring Creek’s Teacher of the Year.


The Freedom’s Light Award is given by PTA each year to a person in the school who exemplifies the theme for that year. This year’s theme is, “With Great Freedom Comes Great Responsibility.”

Our Freedom’s Light Award winner this year is a friendly and familiar face to many students. This person greets everyone with a “How can I help?” attitude. She brings light to all with her knowledge, smile, and infectious laugh.

She is a problem-solver and never gives up. She is an example of the LEARN tools in every way. This person cares about the well-being of everyone at Spring Creek. Whenever the opportunity presents itself, she shares her knowledge about health and how our bodies work. She encourages everyone to make healthy choices. She even picks up and brings green smoothie orders that are placed by our faculty and staff!

She often spends time with students who need to feel safe at school. She applies countless band-aids for scrapes, applies ice for sprains, and administers Tylenol for pain. She helps those students who have vision needs obtain glasses. Well over 120 students have been connected with means to get glasses because of her help and attention.

She helps students evaluate their physical and emotional state and determines if they are well enough to return to class. She wants the children to feel that they have some control over this decision. She has helped hundreds of students stay at school and push through hard feelings. She has even shed tears and shared celebrations with students who have overcome challenges.

But her contributions go beyond health and self-care education. She compiles and publishes the monthly school newsletter, she helps with Spanish translation, she visits homes, and last but not least, she helps the office staff sing “The Star-Spangled Banner” on Monday mornings.

Spring Creek PTA is pleased to present this year’s winner for our Freedom’s Light Award, Wendy Hernandez, our health clerk.

Spring Creek Provo Way Award- Emma Sazo

Emma Sazo works hard to make everyone feel important as they come to the office. She is especially kind to the students that need help. Her ability to communicate with our Spanish-speaking parent in invaluable. Mrs. Harker, our head secretary, tells me often how much she appreciates Emma’s help. She assists parents with registration and answers their questions. Emma helps keep the office clean and orderly. She adjusts her schedule as needed to accommodate the needs that come up. Currently Emma is in charge of providing support for our safety drills. She keeps the teachers lists and backpacks ready for emergencies. Her email reminders help us each reflect on our own preparedness. She is also vigilant in watching who is entering our building and asking them to check in at the office and follow our school’s safety policies and procedures.

Spring Creek Crystal Apple Award 2019-2020

Laurie Hansen is one of my all-time favorite teachers at Spring Creek. She is so enthusiastic and fun, and both of my children loved having her. One child said “She was a super good teacher. She’s one of my favorite teachers I’ve ever had, ever.” Another one stated, “She helped me get better at math and helped me understand so much about it.” Excellent teaching is also one of my favorite things about Mrs. Hansen. Not only is she so engaging and great with kids of all ages, but she is an exceptional teacher with lots of experience and tricks up her sleep to engage and help even the most reluctant students. (From the Rayback Family).

Laurie is very deserving of the Crystal Apple Award. She not only serves in our school but also in her community. She has a huge heart. She puts in so many hours, not only at work but at home too. Her students know that she cares. She knows their potential and does not let them settle for anything less. She has years of experience that help make her a great teacher and mentor. We love having her on our team. (From DeeDee Tavana).

Mrs Hansen is a phenomenal teacher in every way. She genuinely cares about all of her students and wants them to succeed in life. She sets the bar high for all her students but she is always so encouraging and supportive of them. (Goldman Family)

Spring Creek Provo Way Award- Mrs Barbara Clark

Congratulations to Mrs. Clark, 1st grade teacher, for receiving the Provo Way Award. She was nominated by a parent who said the following: Mrs. Clark has been an awesome teacher for both of my . boys with austism. My son, who has special needs and is currently in her class, comes home and tells me how much Mrs. Clark make him feel wanted and appreciated at school. We moved and chose to stay in Spring Creek boundary so he could still attend Mrs. Clark’s class. Mrs. Clark has made his first grade experience very positive. He loves to go to school and learn.

Classified Employee of the Year 2019-2020-

Mrs. Aven Layton started working with us in our After School Program.  She “got us” from day one.  The Spring Creek Team is very lucky to have her.  She is efficient, organized, smart and caring — the whole package — the real deal.  If you ask her to help with a project or task it is done better than you even asked for and before you expected it to be completed.  She works with students that need additional support to be successful in school.  You really should visit the Mindfulness Room to see the space that she has created for students to be able to use their mindfulness tools and strategies to get back on track.  She truly cares about the students.  She is always looking for ways to help them.  She is the perfect mix of kindness and accountability.  She has taught countless social skills lessons, facilitated numerous restorative justice sessions and been an emotional support to more students than any of us even know.

Spring Creek Provo Way Award-  Mrs. Brianna Roberts

Mrs. Brianna Roberts, our art teacher, makes a colorful difference in the artistic lives of the students at Spring Creek Elementary!

Mrs. Roberts is a skilled art teacher.  She teaches them the artistic skills of line, color, texture, etc., and it’s evident in the artwork that is displayed throughout the school. She cares very much that every child display their art for the Arts Showcase held each March. She desires that they come, and proudly show their artwork to their parents. The halls of our school are lined with colorful artwork, and it makes our school feel so alive!

As Mrs. Roberts works with the students it becomes quickly apparent how much they respect her, and love being in her classroom. She is thoughtful about individual students, and she finds what “works” for the child to be successful in the classroom. For example, she worked with one student to find the right artistic mediums that provided an emotional outlet for him, and then gave him a space in the room where he could be comfortable. Many other students who need a place to quietly express themselves find respite in her room.  Mrs. Roberts creates a safe place in her classroom, and in our school, for the kids to be themselves.

Mrs. Roberts is a team player. She collaborates with the specialty team to put on community events like the Arts Salon, the Afterschool Showcase, and scenery for the school opera. She lightens the load of those around her, and finds creative ways for the students to express themselves.

Mrs. Roberts truly cares about her students, and they know it.  We are very fortunate to have such a skilled and thoughtful art teacher at Spring Creek Elementary. We just love her!

Spring Creek Provo Way Award-Leslie Stilson

Leslie Stilson is an outstanding educator and colleague. Mrs. Stilson has a warm connection with families and coworkers.  She works hard to help each student succeed, get families the resources they need, and be a help to her fellow teachers.  Leslie is a leader and example in our school culture. Mrs. Stilson has contributed on countless committees, including district instructional committees, Spring Creek’s behavior support team, our instructional improvement team, the English Language Learners support team, and as the school’s PEA rep.  Leslie has pursued many courses, endorsements, and grants to improve her educational practice, including endorsements in TELL and technology, a partnership with BYU A.R.T.S., and Provo District mini-grants.  Leslie has been a mentor teacher to new teachers and interns at Spring Creek, as well as many BYU student teachers and practicum teachers.  So many new teachers have benefitted from her example of dedication and commitment to her students.

Leslie not just contributes to the environment at Spring Creek, but also contributes to and learns from Provo’s community.  She has taught at BYU as an adjunct professor in various courses on education and English language learning.  Many times her BYU students have spent time volunteering and observing events at Spring Creek, including our school Spectacular and parent teacher conferences, not only teaching BYU students about Title One schools, but bringing a huge amount of help to our school.  Leslie loves to learn and has participated in many classes in Provo, including Provology, a class about city government, community involvement, and local economy.  This learning has influenced Leslie’s third grade class’s discussions about how to be an contributing member in society.  Leslie’s involvement in the community has also formed great connections to bring inspiring guest speakers from Provo, including BYU athletes, a successful videographer, members from local government, and Bikers Against Child Abuse.  Mrs. Stilson loves to teach her students about making connections and learning from others in the community. Leslie Stilson is an asset to her class, Spring Creek, Provo District, and our community.  She is an outstanding example of one who lives the Provo Way!

 Spring Creek Provo Way Award- Miss Amy Wright

We want to congratulate one of our 5th grade teachers, Miss Wright for receiving the Provo Way Award. Her student stated: “She was by far the best teacher I have ever had. She helped me learn everything I needed to know before 6th grade. I had the best school year ever, and for once I ENJOYED going to school. Thank you! Keep up the good work.”

School Calendar

Check our school calendar often for non-school days, early release days and events

Social Media

Follow us for exciting news, updates & fun school up- dates at: -Instagram: @springcreekprovo -Facebook: -Twitter: @SpringCreekPCSD


Kindergarten had a wonderful time celebrating Apple Day with a variety of fun, apple-themed activities! The students enjoyed making apple necklaces, creating their own "apple man," graphing different...

Yesterday, Mrs Foster's 6th grade class were learning about Density and that hot air is less dense than cool air. We had a black plastic tube filled with air, sealed, and feathered. After a few...

Friends from Utah Valley Regional Medical Center came to visit students at lunch to encourage them to eat fruits & vegetables, to get a good night sleep, and to exercise to stay healthy! Their...

What an amazing event and fun night put together by our wonderful PTA! It was so great to see all of our students and families having so much fun! Thank you to our hardworking and talented PTA and...

September 20, 2024 Spring Creek Parents,      A BIG thank you to our PTA for getting things lined up for the Spring Creek Spectacular on Monday!  Today we saw our school shirts for the...

Mrs. Fosters class is conducting experiments. Combining elements to see if there is a chemical reaction and if something new is created....
