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Provo City School District

Spring Creek Elementary School


So Much That I Could Share…

As I reflected on what I would like to share with you this month there were so many things that came to mind.  I had a very hard time narrowing my ideas down to a message that would be a desirable length. Your students have amazed me over and over again during this first term.  They are examples of the Spring Creek LEARN tools in so many ways. I have seen them own their behavior as they have participated in what is called restorative practices.  We ask students to answer the following questions.

  • What happened?
  • What were you thinking of at the time?
  • What have you thought about since?
  • Who has been affected by what you have done?  In what way?
  • What do you think you need to do to make things right?

I get the privilege of facilitating these discussions.  Sometimes one on one with a student and sometimes in groups that have had something happen between them.  I wish that I had a video of the insightful and mature ways students have answered these questions and committed to act differently.  Many times the behavior I witness from them exceeds what I see in many adults.

Another experience is the heartfelt apologies that I have received and witnessed.  An apology is an interesting act. It is often thought of as the word “sorry” and done. We help the students use the following frame.

  • I am sorry for…
  • because…
  • Can you forgive me?
  • Is there anything that I can do for you?

The apologies that students have generated are sincere and I have seen them act differently after they go through the process.

The restorative practices that we are implementing have changed the way I feel about challenging behaviors.  I have always hoped that I could use mistakes as learning experiences and now we have a consistent process to help students learn what to do when they make mistakes.  We all make mistakes and wish we might have handled situations differently. These practices allow us to reflect on our actions and accept the challenge to make it right and choose something different the next time.

Mrs Franklin

Spring Creek Principal


  • 3rd ~ Daylight Savings Time Ends (clocks back 1 hour)
  •  6th-7th ~ Early Release Days at 1:30p
  • 8th- Box Tops Due
    • PTA Meeting at 10am
    • 5th grade Field Trip Choir
  • 15th- 2nd Grade Parent Engagement Activities
  • 25th- Mobil Food Pantry 3:15p @ Franklin School, 350 S 600 W, Provo
  • 26th – 6th Grade Parent Engagement Activities
  • 27th-29th-Thanksgiving Break NO SCHOOL


Thursday, November 7th (by appointment only) Parents, please take a moment to sign up for Parent Teacher Conferences. Click on the teacher of your child and you will be directed to SignUpGenius. The majority of the conferences are being held on Thursday, November 7th. If you cannot attend on Thursday, November 7th teachers have limited availability on Wednesday, November 6th. Please contact the teacher directly to schedule for this day.

**Lost and Found

Please check the Lost and Found items in the south / east hall by the lunchroom.  Any items left after Friday, November 8th, will be given to a charitable organization.


Friday, November 8 – 5th Graders will sing to the Veterans at the Provo Rec Center at noon.

Thursday, December 5 – Choir will perform at the Provo Rec Center at noon.

School Drop off and Pick up

As we all know, the design of our parking lot is challenging at best. We really need your help in keeping students and others safe. We ask that you watch for the adults trying to help students cross at the designated crosswalks. You must yield to those in the crosswalks.

Please use the following guidelines as you drop off and pick up your students.

  1. Do not use the front of the school for dropping students off during bus times. Our buses arrive between 8:10‐8:20. The buses exit between 8:25‐8:35. These are all approximate times. Buses can be early or late. Please do not use the roundabout or front area for dropping off during this time. There is not enough clearance space for the buses and cars in the same location.
  2. Student drop off and pick up is on the north end of the school.
  3. The right lane from the driveway entrance all the way around and up the hill is for drop off or pick up. Vehicles may stop in this lane to drop off or pick up students. You must fit against the curb and clear the bus lane to stop in the lane parallel to the school. Do not park and leave your vehicle in this lane.
  4. The left lane is for through traffic only. Do not stop in this lane to drop off or pick up students. This is dangerous, as students have to walk between cars to arrive at your vehicle.
  5. If there isn’t stopping space available in the right lane, you can park in the parking area and use the crosswalk to walk your child back to your car.
  6. Pedestrian crossings are marked. Please use them instead of walking between cars. This is very dangerous and we have already had a few near misses.
  7. As you exit the parking area, you should yield to those driving in the left lane of through traffic. If the through traffic lane gets backed up, merging every other car would be appropriate.
  8. If you see buses starting to exit please stay in the right lane coming up the driveway.  For clearance and safety reasons, the buses use the same driveway that acts as an entrance to exit the school.  Please do not try to “beat” the buses once they have already started to leave the bus zone area.

School Calendar

Check our school calendar often for non-school days, early release days and events


Follow us for exciting news, updates & fun school up- dates at:

Instagram: @springcreekprovo


Twitter: @SpringCreekPCSD

For in depth information and detailed school calendar be sure to check our School Website at:


Kindergarten had a wonderful time celebrating Apple Day with a variety of fun, apple-themed activities! The students enjoyed making apple necklaces, creating their own "apple man," graphing different...

Yesterday, Mrs Foster's 6th grade class were learning about Density and that hot air is less dense than cool air. We had a black plastic tube filled with air, sealed, and feathered. After a few...

Friends from Utah Valley Regional Medical Center came to visit students at lunch to encourage them to eat fruits & vegetables, to get a good night sleep, and to exercise to stay healthy! Their...

What an amazing event and fun night put together by our wonderful PTA! It was so great to see all of our students and families having so much fun! Thank you to our hardworking and talented PTA and...

September 20, 2024 Spring Creek Parents,      A BIG thank you to our PTA for getting things lined up for the Spring Creek Spectacular on Monday!  Today we saw our school shirts for the...

Mrs. Fosters class is conducting experiments. Combining elements to see if there is a chemical reaction and if something new is created....
