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Provo City School District

Spring Creek Elementary School


Who are your heroes?

Our Spring Creek theme for the year is “Be a Hero.”  When I think of my heroes the common thread that comes through is their ability to use their strength to support me when I need help.  My list of heroes includes family, friends, colleagues, students and even strangers. I love coming to Spring Creek every day to be greeted by so many heroes.  I am touched daily by the resilience I see in my Spring Creek friends, both the adults and students. A hero is someone who gives of himself or herself, often putting his or her own life at great risk, for the greater good of others. While I don’t think that there is anyone necessarily putting their life at great risk to be at Spring Creek, I do observe the daily giving of self for the greater good of others.  In just the first few weeks of school I have seen students reaching out to other students that are new to our school by giving tours, trying to help a sibling use the calm down tools in the mindfulness room, inviting new students to play during recess time and seeking help for a friend that they are worried about.  I have seen teachers reach out to other teachers by writing sub plans when they had to unexpectedly be gone, being willing to take over a class when daycare plans somehow fell through and they thought that they would be late and giving a hug to a colleague that was having a rough day. I have seen students reach out to teachers by doing their best to meet expectations.  I have seen teachers reach out to students with encouragement and sincere feedback on jobs well done.

True heroes, the ones that can change the world, are those that show up daily to do their best even when it is hard, those that are kind when it may not be easy to be kind, those that look out for others and keep them safe when it might not be the popular thing to do, those that give of themselves for the greater good of others.  I also believe that in many ways we need to be our own hero. We need to understand how to take care of ourselves by being kind to ourselves, by keeping ourselves safe and by acting responsibly to reach our goals. We hope to help each student see themselves as heroes both in the way they act toward others and the way they act toward themselves.

We will be sharing heroic acts throughout the year.  I hope that you will help your child think about their heroes and about their own heroic moments throughout the year.  I am looking forward to a year filled with heroes and heroic moments.

Mrs Franklin

Spring Creek Principal



  • 02- NO SCHOOL- Labor Day
  • 04- Vision Screening 9am
  • 09- After School Program Begins
  • 10- School Choir Begins 7:30am in Kiva
  • 13- Box Top Collection and PTA meeting @10am
  • 18- DUE- T-shirt order and Spectacular Color Festival donation forms
  • 19- Picture Day
  • 23- Spring Creek Spectacular
  • 25- Dental Varnishing. Prek-9:30a  K-6th-1:30p
  • 27- School Community Council Meeting @10am
  • 30- 6th Field Trip Utah Symphony

School Drop off and Pick up

As we all know, the design of our parking lot is challenging at best. We really need your help in keeping students and others safe. We ask that you watch for the adults trying to help students cross at the designated crosswalks. You must yield to those in the crosswalks.

Please use the following guidelines as you drop off and pick up your students.

  1. Do not use the front of the school for dropping students off during bus times. Our buses arrive between 8:10‐8:20. The buses exit between 8:25‐8:35. These are all approximate times. Buses can be early or late. Please do not use the roundabout or front area for dropping off during this time. There is not enough clearance space for the buses and cars in the same location.
  2. Student drop off and pick up is on the north end of the school.
  3. The right lane from the driveway entrance all the way around and up the hill is for drop off or pick up. Vehicles may stop in this lane to drop off or pick up students. You must fit against the curb and clear the bus lane to stop in the lane parallel to the school. Do not park and leave your vehicle in this lane.
  4. The left lane is for through traffic only. Do not stop in this lane to drop off or pick up students. This is dangerous, as students have to walk between cars to arrive at your vehicle.
  5. If there isn’t stopping space available in the right lane, you can park in the parking area and use the crosswalk to walk your child back to your car.
  6. Pedestrian crossings are marked. Please use them instead of walking between cars. This is very dangerous and we have already had a few near misses.
  7. As you exit the parking area, you should yield to those driving in the left lane of through traffic. If the through traffic lane gets backed up, merging every other car would be appropriate.
  8. If you see buses starting to exit please stay in the right lane coming up the driveway.  For clearance and safety reasons, the buses use the same driveway that acts as an entrance to exit the school.  Please do not try to “beat” the buses once they have already started to leave the bus zone area.


At Spring Creek we adhere to the Provo City School District policy 6710 Child Nutrition: Meal Charging.  Please read policy for full information.

Please do your part to keep your child’s lunch balances current and out of the negative.

Applications for Free or Reduced Lunch must be submitted each year.  If you haven’t submitted your application for school year 2019-20 please do so ASAP by following the link above.


At Spring Creek we do not have school based fundraisers.  Instead we ask for a $10 voluntary donation per child. These donations help us fund field trips and purchase specialty supplies for STEAM activities or other curriculum standards based learning projects.  *NOTICE: This donation is voluntary and no student will be excluded from field trips or activities for inability to make this voluntary donation.

Spring Creek Elementary Box Top Fundraiser

Box Tops are going digital! Download the Box Tops for Education app in Google Play or the App Store and start scanning your receipts to earn money for our school! Go to for more information.

Clipped Box Tops can still be submitted to your teachers. Place box tops in a Ziploc bag with child’s name and teacher. Next collection date is September 13th!

The Box Tops earned this year will pay for Battle of the Books!


The following After School Programs will begin the week of September 9th:

Art Club  for 1st – 3rd grade held on Wednesday and for 4th – 6th grade held on Thursday Chess Club for 1st – 6th grade held on Wednesday & Thursday Theater Drama Club for 1st – 3rd held on Monday & Wednesday and for 4th – 6th held on Tuesday & Thursday Sports Club  for 3rd – 6th grade held on Monday & Tuesday

We are in the process of hiring instructors for Club Aerie & Coding. Once we have instructors for these classes, we will send home a letter and an email to parents letting you know what day the class will begin! Thank you for your patience as we seek a highly qualified instructor for each of these classes!

Please feel free to contact Kimmy Martinez, Extended Learning Coordinator with any questions you may have regarding After School Program & Activities Office (801) 370-4650 ext 2481 – Cell (801) 227-9379  – email


Storybook Pumpkin Patch–This will be the 2nd year for our Storybook Pumpkin Patch. Be thinking now on which book character you would like to use to decorate your pumpkin. Last year, we had Clifford the Dog, Curious George, Fancy Nancy, a Golden Snitch, and many more! Look for more information to come at the beginning of October.

“Arctic Adventure” Book Fair–The book fair will run from October 28-November 1 this year. There are many great new books this season and we will have fun activities throughout the week.

ProvoREADS— This is our district program with the theme, “Reading Opens Windows to the World”. Each month we will highlight a different section of the library. Read books from that section and be entered to win prizes in our monthly drawings!

Beehive Books— This program is sponsored by the Children’s Literature Association of Utah. Every year, a committee of educators and community members decides on a list of book nominees for Utah children to read and the children vote which will receive the Beehive Book Award honors for that year. During our library time, students may read Beehive books and participate in a Beehive Bingo activity to receive prizes. They will also vote at the end of the year.

Battle of the Books— This is an exciting book competition for 3rd-6th graders. Students will form teams of 5 members each, read a list of 20 books and then test their knowledge in a friendly competition. The top teams go on to compete at the district level in April. Sign ups for this will be during library time.


All 3rd -6th Graders are invited to join!

Rehearsals are on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7:30 a.m. in the Kiva

FIRST DAY:  Tuesday, September 10

***Please join us on the first day, and/or see Mrs. Gylseth for more information****

Spring Creek Spectacular Color Festival

Hello Parents,

It’s that time of year again! Please be on the lookout for a small, stapled packet of Spring Creek Spectacular Color Festival information in your student(s) backpack. These are for your students to collect donations for the Spring Creek Spectacular Color Festival on Monday, September 23rd, 6:00-8:00 PM. This is also the only time this year you will have the opportunity to order a Spring Creek T-shirt. The Spectacular this year will include a color powder festival, music, dancing, games, and the return of our fun run. There will also be food trucks, a raffle with prizes, and additional color powder available for purchase. All donations go towards funding the various PTA-sponsored programs that directly benefit our students and teachers. An order form for additional color powder and raffle tickets will be sent home shortly. All Spring Creek Spectacular Color Festival donation and T-shirt orders are due back to the school on Wednesday, September 18th.  

We are very much looking forward to this fun family event! We hope to see you there on September 23rd!

Spring Creek PTA Board


What is FFVP?

Spring Creek is excited to be participating in the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP) this year! This is a USDA program that allows us to serve a fresh fruit or vegetable snack to students outside of the regular meal service times. It’s a great opportunity for kids to try new fruits and veggies and learn more about healthy eating. In the past we’ve served apples, oranges, dragon fruit, Kumquat, heirloom tomatoes, rambutan fruit, and cotton candy grapes, and we look forward to trying more exciting options this school year. We encourage you to ask your students what they tried for their fruit and vegetable snack each week—and maybe try it at home as well.

Be Educated About Measles

The U.S. has been experiencing a large outbreak of measles over the past several months, with more than 1,200 cases in 30 states. Please review the following information provided by the Utah Department of Health.



School Calendars

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Spring Creek Calendar

School Year Calendar

Social Media

Follow us for exciting news, updates & fun school up- dates at:

  • Instagram: @springcreekprovo
  • Facebook:
  • Twitter: @SpringCreekPCSD

Kindergarten had a wonderful time celebrating Apple Day with a variety of fun, apple-themed activities! The students enjoyed making apple necklaces, creating their own "apple man," graphing different...

Yesterday, Mrs Foster's 6th grade class were learning about Density and that hot air is less dense than cool air. We had a black plastic tube filled with air, sealed, and feathered. After a few...

Friends from Utah Valley Regional Medical Center came to visit students at lunch to encourage them to eat fruits & vegetables, to get a good night sleep, and to exercise to stay healthy! Their...

What an amazing event and fun night put together by our wonderful PTA! It was so great to see all of our students and families having so much fun! Thank you to our hardworking and talented PTA and...

September 20, 2024 Spring Creek Parents,      A BIG thank you to our PTA for getting things lined up for the Spring Creek Spectacular on Monday!  Today we saw our school shirts for the...

Mrs. Fosters class is conducting experiments. Combining elements to see if there is a chemical reaction and if something new is created....
