Información y fechas importantes para la semana del 20 de enero
January 17, 2025
Padres de Spring Creek,
A quick reminder about getting Watch DOGS into our school. We have not had any since the break!! Here is a link to sign up: Watch D.O.G.S. sign up here. We will also be having a Watch DOGS and donuts night at 5:30 on the 6th of February to reinvigorate the program. We need fathers and father figures in our school.
Tema de conversación familiar: Seeing the positive in every negative event.
We try and get our students to SOAR by helping them see the positive in negative events.
Possible talking points:
How can positive things come out of something negative?
Have you ever seen anything good come from something that seemed terrible?
How can you find the good in something negative?
Why would this be an important skill to have in life?
Gracias, señor,
Jay Porter
Director, Spring Creek Elementary
Upcoming Calendar Items
Also see Spring Creek school calendar
**Monday Jan 20th: No School – Martin Luther King Jr. Day
**Thursday Jan 23rd: STEM Fair Family Night 6:30pm-7:30pm
**Friday Jan 24th: School Community Council Meeting 9:00am
**Friday Jan 31st: 6th Grade UVU Prep Application Due
Programa extraescolar
After School Program week of January 20th:
- Club Aerie 1st – 3rd meets Tuesday – Thursday
- Club Aerie 4th – 6th meets Tuesday – Thursday
- Hawk Theatre Drama Club 1º - 3º se reúne los martes y jueves
- Hawk Theatre Drama Club 4th – 6th meets on Wednesday only
- Robotics Club meets on Wednesday only
- Newcomers Club 1st – 3rd meets on Wednesday only
- Club de recién llegados 4º - 6º se reúne los martes y jueves
Noche familiar de la Feria STEM
Our Annual STEM Fair will be held THIS Thursday, January 23rd, 2025 at 6:30 PM. Come join us and celebrate the STEM projects that our 5th and 6th graders have created for our Fair! There will be booth vendors giving out fun swag while supplies last! Community vendors will be handing out flyers and giving demonstrations on their services. During the fair, we will be reporting the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners and drawing raffle prizes for all STEM Fair project participants. If your student has created a project, they need to arrive at 5:30 PM for judging.
We hope you were able to watch some of our daily videos related to digital safety this past week and were able to have a discussion as a family about some of the ideas presented!
Also, we’re in need of 4-6 judges for the STEM Fair on Thursday, January 23. Judging will take place from 5:30-6:30pm, and then the presentation of awards will be from 6:30-7:30pm. If you’re interested in being a judge for our students’ awesome STEM Fair projects, please click on the following link: STEM Fair Judge Sign up
6th Grade UVU Prep Information
El programa es un gratis Programa de verano de 6 semanas que desafía a los estudiantes de 7º, 8º y 9º grado de alto rendimiento que han mostrado interés en Ciencia, Tecnología, Ingeniería y Matemáticas (STEM). UVU Prep se basa en un currículo académico desafiante que expone a los estudiantes a conceptos avanzados en matemáticas y ciencias.
Here is a short UVU PREP information video
If you are interested in your child applying for the program, see the UVU Prep website for details and to apply. The application deadline is January 31, 2025.
Si tiene alguna duda, póngase en contacto con el profesor de su hijo.