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Distrito escolar de la ciudad de Provo

Escuela Primaria Spring Creek

January 10, 2025

Padres de Spring Creek,

     We are so glad to have your kids back within the walls of our school. This week we have introduced a few new items to help empower students when dealing with issues of being mean or teasing. First is describing what bullying is and educating students on what that looks like.  We showed them this video Is it Bullying (youtube). That describes disagreements, rude moments, mean moments and bullying. Second we are implementing a program called Stop, Walk, Talk. Here is the video explaining about the program – Stop, Walk, Talk SC (youtube). We are trying to empower students to take care of problems themselves.  When someone is being mean we say Stop, I don’t like that.  If that does not work then they walk away.  If that doesn’t work then they are to ask an adult for help.  We are excited about these things to be integrated into how we do things at Spring Creek Elementary.

Family talking point of the week:  Acknowledging what is great about you

   We want all students to feel that they have great things about them that can add value to our learning community.  We are striving to focus on their strengths and be positive with them in our interactions.

Ideas for discussions with your child:

  1. What is great about you or what strengths do you have?
  2. What causes you to not see your strengths?
  3. How can you help others around you see their strengths? 
  4. Why is it important not to get negative about yourself?

Gracias, señor,

Jay Porter

Director, Spring Creek Elementary

Próximos temas del calendario

Also see the Calendario de Spring Creek 

**Friday Jan 10th: Teachers sending home Standards Reports (check backpacks)

**Monday Jan 13th – Friday Jan 17th: Semana de la Seguridad Digital (dress up days information below)

**Tuesday Jan 14th – Reanudación del coro

**Wednesday Jan 15th: Simulacro de evacuación de emergencia

**Monday Jan 20th: No School – Martin Luther King Jr. Day

**Thursday Jan 23rd: STEM Fair Family Night 6:30pm-7:30pm

Programa extraescolar

  • After School Program week of January 13th:
  • Club Aerie 1º - 3º se reúne de lunes a jueves
  • Club Aerie 4º - 6º se reúne de lunes a jueves
  • Hawk Theatre Drama Club 1º - 3º se reúne los martes y jueves
  • Hawk Theatre Drama Club 4º - 6º se reúne los lunes y miércoles
  • El Club de Robótica se reúne los lunes y miércoles
  • Club de recién llegados 1º - 3º se reúne los lunes y miércoles
  • Club de recién llegados 4º - 6º se reúne los martes y jueves


Now is a good time to join the choir for the second half of the year!  Rehearsals will begin at 7:30am on Tuesday, January 14th, in the library Hawk’s Nest (kiva). All 3rd-6th graders are invited to join. Please use the online registration links on the attached flyer.  We hope to see your child there! Spring Creek Singers Registration Form


Simulacro de emergencia

Spring Creek Elementary informs parents prior to the monthly Emergency Drills taking place at the school. On Wednesday January 15th, we will be conducting an Emergency Evacuation Drill and will be following the Provo City School District Procedures found on the attached document. 

IN AN EMERGENCY WHEN YOU HEAR IT. DO IT. LOCKDOWN! LOCKS, LIGHTS, OUT OF SIGHT. STUDENTS TEACHERMove away from sight Maintain silenceDo not open the doorLock interior doors Turn out the lightsMove away from sight Do not open the door Maintain silenceTake attendanceLOCKOUT! SECURE THE PERIMETER.STUDENTS TEACHERReturn inside Business as usualBring everyone indoors Lock perimeter doorsIncrease situational awareness Business as usualTake attendanceEVACUATE! TO ANNOUNCED LOCATION.STUDENTS TEACHERBring your phone Lead evacuation to locationLeave your stuff behind Take attendanceFollow instructionsNotify fi missing, extra or injuredstudentsSHELTER! HAZARD AND SAFETY STRATEGY.STUDENTSTEACHERLead safety strategy Take attendanceHazard TornadoSafety Strategy Evacuate to shelter areaHazmat Seal the roomEarthquake Drop, cover and holdTsunamiGet to high ground

Noche familiar de la Feria STEM

Our Annual STEM Fair will be held on Thursday, January 23rd, 2025 at 6:30 PM. Only 5th and 6th graders will have the opportunity to create projects for our Fair, but all families are welcome to attend our STEM Family Night! There will be booth vendors giving out swag while supplies last. Students with projects will need to arrive at 5:30 for judging. See the flyers attached for more information.

Spring Creek's STEM Fair Family NightThursday, January 23rd - 6:30 - 7:30 pm in the gym. There will be community vendors as well

STEM Fair After School Support

If you are completing a STEM project, there are two days of After School Support where you can ask Mrs. Kempter any questions and work on your project. If you would like to participate on January 14th or 16th, you will need to fill out an application. You can pick up one from Mrs. Kempter or in the office. For more information, please visit our Sitio web de la Feria STEM aquí.


Thank you to all those who attended our PTA meeting today! We discussed a lot of upcoming events and volunteer opportunities, many of which are in this month’s attached newsletter.

Most importantly, we are in need of 4-6 judges for the STEM Fair on Thursday, January 23. Judging will take place from 5:30-6:30pm, and then the presentation of awards will be from 6:30-7:30pm. If you’re interested in being a judge for our students’ awesome STEM Fair projects, please click on this STEM Fair Judge Sign up link.

Lastly, Digital Safety Week is this week (January 13-17). We’ll have dress up days and lunchtime activities and helpful videos to share with parents. 


Information from Nathan Parks, Social Worker

Hey everyone Mr. Parks the school social worker here. I just wanted to let you know of a phenomenal resource called the Proyecto Familias más Fuertes de la UVU. Here is some more information about it:

Utah Valley University sponsors a unique community-engaged family life education program that for 15 years has been empirically proven to improve the lives of Utah families through evidenced-based psychoeducational classes and resource interventions taught by UVU graduate and undergraduate students. Our interns, certified to teach the curriculum, teach an 8-week course for free to the entire family one evening a week from 6:30-8:00 p.m. Family members learn skills to utilize at home including problem solving, conflict resolution, interpersonal relationships, family values, and communication. Key outcomes are improved family relationships, mental health, stress management, parenting and marriage confidence, community resource connections, and childhood protective factors. We hold the 8-week course fall and spring semesters and families can apply 3 weeks prior in January and September. 

For more information and to apply, here is the UVU Stronger Family Project website link

United Way South Franklin Community Center ~ for youth and family activity schedule and sign up, please go to the South Franklin Community Center website link here.

0 Acciones

This week is Digital Safety Week, organized by the Spring Creek PTA! Please take a look at this short video for some family discussion ideas related to staying safe online.  Spring Creek Digital...

Esta semana es la Semana de la Seguridad Digital, organizada por la PTA de Spring Creek. Por favor, eche un vistazo a este breve vídeo para algunas ideas de discusión familiar relacionados con mantenerse a salvo en línea. Semana de la Seguridad Digital:...

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La escuela estará cerrada / no habrá clases durante las vacaciones de invierno del lunes 23 de diciembre al lunes 6 de enero. Las clases se reanudarán el martes 7 de enero. Esperamos que tengan unas maravillosas vacaciones de...

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