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Distrito escolar de la ciudad de Provo

Escuela Primaria Spring Creek

March 7, 2025

Padres de Spring Creek,

It has been a very busy week with behaviors.  Our students seem to be catching the spring fever.  We will be having them watch a video next week giving them a reminder of our school expectations!  Please remind your kids to SOAR; show kindness, own their learning, act safely and respond responsibly!

Tema de conversación familiar semanal:  What does it mean to be mischievous?

Possible questions

  1. What does it mean to be mischievous?
  2. If you do something bad and it doesn’t really hurt someone does it really matter?  example:  throwing a wet paper towel at the ceiling?
  3. What choices have you made this week that might have had a negative impact on someone else?

Gracias, señor,

Jay Porter

Director, Spring Creek Elementary

Próximos temas del calendario

Véase también el Calendario escolar de Spring Creek

  • Sunday Mar 9th: Comienza el horario de verano (clocks ahead 1 hr.)
  • Tuesday Mar 11th: Comienza la inscripción para el jardín de infancia 2025-26
  • Thursday Mar 13th: Choir Field Trip (District Choir Festival)
  • Thursday Mar 13th: Termina el 3er trimestre
  • Friday Mar 14th: NO ESCUELA (Professional Development Day)
  • Friday Mar 14th: (5th) Camp Big Springs Updated Deadline for Application Form & Fees
  • Thursday Mar 27th: SAVE THE DATE ~ Salón de Arte y Representación Teatral ~ 18:00h

Programa extraescolar

After School Program for week of March 10th:

  • Club Aerie 1st – 3rd meets Monday – Thursday
  • Club Aerie 4th – 6th meets Monday – Thursday
  • Hawk Theatre Drama Club 1st – 3rd meets on Tuesday & Thursday
  • Hawk Theatre Drama Club 4th – 6th meets on Monday – Thursday 
  • El Club de Robótica se reúne los lunes y miércoles
  • Newcomers Club 1st – 3rd meets on Monday & Wednesday
  • Newcomers Club 4th – 6th meets on Tuesday & Thursday


The Spring Creek Singers will be singing at the 25th Anniversary for the PCSD Elementary Choir Festival on Thursday, March 13, 9-11:30 a.m. at Provo High School. Please see the attachment for more information.  The concert will be live streamed so that families can watch the performance at home:

Art Salon & Theatre Performance of Wizard of Oz Jr

SAVE THE DATE & join us for a parent & family night of fine arts and fun at our annual Art Salon & Theatre Performance of the Wizard of Oz Jr. on Thursday, March 27th at 6:00 – 7:30 pm. Student artwork will be on display for families to enjoy as well as our Hawk Theatre performance of Wizard of Oz Jr. on stage in the gym. We will be giving out a special art kit for kids (while supplies last). We look forward to seeing you there!


March is here, and we are gearing up for Staff Appreciation Week at the end of March! Watch for a list containing staff favorites (coming soon) and join us in showing appreciation for them! Please also sign up to decorate your favorite staff member or teacher’s door:

Thank you to all those who were able to attend today’s meeting! If you weren’t able to make it, we hope to see you for April’s meeting on the 11th!

Lecturas en familia

Be sure to take a look at our new and improved Family Reads book request form (linked here)!  You can now see a picture of each book which will make selecting a book with your child fun and even easier! We’ve also added some new titles and a seasonal book section to choose from! Be sure to take advantage of this fantastic opportunity to build your home library with FREE books! Reading together as a family is a great way to instill a love of reading in your child and help them grow as a reader! For more information about Family Reads! click on Programa de lectura en familia which is found on the right sidebar of our school website!

2024-25 Kindergarten y matriculación de nuevos alumnos

New student registration for the 2025-26 school year begins Tuesday, March 11th. Your child must be 5 years old on or before September 1, 2025 to be enrolled in Kindergarten. Registration is a 3-step process, mainly done online. Appointment preferred for in person registration. Contact the school office at 801-370-4650 with any questions.

Beginning March 11th: 

2025-26 Inscripción preescolar

La inscripción ha comenzado para el 2025-26 Provo City School District Title I Preschool. 

0 Acciones

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