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Distrito escolar de la ciudad de Provo

Escuela Primaria Spring Creek

Spring Creek Elementary PTA Meeting

Friday, October 11, 2024

Sala 209

Start Time: 10:04 am

Those in Attendance: Jay Porter Principal, Brooke Burgess VP, Kimmy Martinez Community VP, Lochsley Allred, Nicole, Stephanie Swiswick, Pam Foster Teacher VP, Jenny Wright, Jennifer Partridge

Non PTA Members in attendance: None

Llamada al orden/Introducción: Ashley Rayback (President-Elect)

  1. Juramento a la Bandera: Por invitación
    1. Jay Porter
  2. Actualización principal: Director Jay Porter (VP administrativo)
    1. Community Night will have hotdogs and trick or treat Halloween theme
    2. Reflections has been announced as much as possible
    3. Halloween Parade-no masks, no weapons Will be outside again. 
    4. Watch dogs is going well. 21+ volunteers but a bit slow this week
    5. School weekly email feedback- so much info, can we cut something? It’s all important.  
    6. Watch Dogs- Helping with PTA stuff during the shift, being in classrooms, helping with things around the school
  3. Teacher VP Report: Pam Foster
    1. Spectacular feedback- Love the berry truck
    2. Love the smell and glitter this year
    3. Powder being thrown everywhere, not just the field
    4. High energy, big turnout
    5. Need signs for the swag table showing the pay area (people waiting in line for pay items at the swag table)
  4. Informe de divulgación comunitaria: Kimmy Martínez 
    1. South Franklin Community Center has classes for registering. Mommy and Me, Homework Help,
    2. College Volunteers to help as needed, Clubs
    3. PTA posts are now linked to the PTA section of the website
    4. Afterschool this time of year students have a hard time sticking with it. 
    5. Robotics is starting to build up now
    6. Afterschool is not about pleasing everyone, its about pleasing the most. 
    7. TOPS volunteers have been great! There are some who are able to translate to Portuguese                                                                   
  5. Informe del Consejo Escolar: Jennifer Partridge
    1. Strategic plan has been approved and announced
      1.  Academic Achievement
      2. Wellness and Safety
      3. Stewardship of resources
    2. More specific goals in the outline
    3. Posted on website
    4. Dixon Middle school community night
      1. Check Gina Hales Socials for the flier, should be mailed out soon as well
    5. Email stories of when social workers have helped our students. Jennifer will send those emails out to us soon. 
    6. Cell Phone Policy
      1. Bell to bell must be in do not disturb for Elementary Schools
      2. Class time is do not disturb, passing period and lunch phones may be used for middle and hs
    7. Have a parent spokesperson for each school in the district. Will have say in upcoming policy and procedures
  6. Próximos eventos/oportunidades de voluntariado:
  7. Election Day: November 5. Ballots arriving in the mail next week. Amendments A and D voided. 
    1. Nay is A (still on ballot, so vote anyways, but it’s been voided)
    2. B is Best! 
    3. D is don’t
  8. Reflexiones: Plazo de presentación hasta el 23 de octubre
    1. It’s all online, watch the video
  9. Room Parent: Scan the QR code to volunteer to help in a classroom
  10. Santa Shop: December 10-13. Possibility of having Watch Dogs volunteer for a Santa Shop shift or 2 
    1. Maybe extra watch dogs that day to double up?  
  11. Asuntos oficiales de la APA:
  12. Treasurer Report and Business: Lochsley Allred (Treasurer)
    1. Membership income
    2. Spectacular income and spending
    3. Dues
    4. Bank fees
    5. Hawk costume is more expensive then originally thought
      1. Voting for name on election day
      2. Make appearance during school events like 6th grade graduation, Santa Shoppe, 
    6. Voting for amended budgets: Ashley Moved to amend the budget, Jenny Seconded it. 
    7. Unanimous vote to amend the budgets. Jay, Kimmy, Lochsley, Nicole, Stephanie, Ashley, Jenny, Brooke, Jason Allred (by phone) and Mat Rayback (by phone)  
  13. Budget Amendment (increasing amount allotted for school mascot, increasing amount for Reflections to $300, and adding line item for school choir t-shirts)
  14. Secretary Report: Jenny Wright (filling in for Cristina Bray)
  15. Approval of August 2024 Minutes
  16. PTA Day at the Capital in February.  Put it on your calendar now
  17. Voluntarios de la PTA: Lochsley Allred
      1. Lindsey Stockdale
        1. Made posters
        2. Was at the table the whole evening
        3. Was second person for drop for Treasurer
  18. Our next meeting will be on Friday, November 8, at 10am
  19. If you have any questions, suggestions, or would like to help out, please email Olivia Goldman at
  20. End Time 11:07 
    1. Ashley Rayback Moved to close the meeting
    2. Jenny Wright Seconded it.
0 Acciones

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