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Provo City School District

Spring Creek Elementary School

Last modified: September 19, 2024

School Profile

Spring Creek Vision, Mission and Information

At Spring Creek Elementary we believe that we are leaders ascending to excellence. The Hawk is our mascot and reminds us to spread our wings wide to help us soar to great heights. We believe in being kind, safe and responsible in all that we do. What affects one affects all!! We are a team working together for the good of all. Positive supports are in place to help all members of the team; students, teachers, staff, parents, community members, come together and work at the highest level possible. We use a PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention Supports) model that establishes clear expectations for behavior, social interactions and academic work. These expectations were developed by student leadership. The students presented the expectations to the teachers staff and parents for input. This year student leadership will be training their peers on these expectations. We are proud of this work and know who we are. Watch for “SOAR” cards coming home to recognize student performance.

Our SOAR Statements guide our actions.

Show Kindness

  • We ask students to treat each other as well or better than they would want to be treated.
  • We ask parents to help their children understand the significant influence of how we talk to and treat others.
  • We ask all to treat everyone with civility and respect.

Own Your Learning

  • We ask students to attend school regularly and on time.
  • We ask students to have a growth mindset.
  • We encourage students to ask questions.
  • We ask students to read everyday!
  • We ask students to come to school prepared and ready to learn.

Act Safely

  • We ask students to follow the safety rules.
  • We ask all to follow the guidelines for drop off and pick up (See School Website).
  • We ask all to watch for signs that a student is being mistreated in any way.

Respond Responsibly

  • We ask that students come to school every day.
  • We ask that students be actively engaged in their learning.
  • We ask that teachers communicate progress and mastery often and in a way that is understandable to students.