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Provo City School District

Spring Creek Elementary School

Last modified: January 26, 2023

Teacher Resources

These are some of the classroom materials that we use at Spring Creek Elementary.  All materials are developed by Julianna Gylseth, and all rights belong to her.  The resources are available for free.

Classroom Management Posters – These posters visually represent appropriate classroom behavior, and allow a teacher to simply point to the desired learning behavior when a class, or a child needs reinforcement.

My Developing Voice – Singing Continuum – Teachers can post, and refer to this developmental vocal sequence in their classrooms.  The sequence helps students track their vocal progress from all the way from locating vocal registers (high/low), to matching pitch, to part singing, and beyond. This tool is a clear way to provide feedback to students regarding their vocal progress, and it gives them something to “reach forward” in their vocal growth.

Composing House Resource Packs – Have you ever wondered how to help students correctly compose rhythms that match the appropriate meter?  The Composing House provides three sequential lessons, manipulatives, and worksheets to enable the process.

6/8 Composing Worksheet – This worksheet, and accompanying manipulative cards can be used by individuals, or groups, to compose a 4 measure song in 6/8.

“Phonics Song” – Mixed Sixteenth Notes Resource Pack – Students can actively practice ti-tiki, and tiki-ti by ordering the rhythms for the “Phonics Song,” in a cooperative learning setting. These materials are developed by Linda Seamons, and the link will lead you to her website.

FOLK SONG RESOURCES – These are some of our favorites: 

  • Jugaremos – An engaging Hispanic multicultural game
  • Nutting in May – A traditional English game to play for May Day.