Last modified: March 12, 2025
School Improvement Plan
School Improvement Status
- Targeted Support & Improvement (TSI) – yes/no; if yes, list subgroups
- Additional Targeted Support & Improement (ATSI) – yes/no; if yes, list subgroups
- Comprehensive Support Improvement (CSI) – yes/no; if yes category & year identified
Strategic Plan Priority 1: Academic Achievement
Goal #1: Increase the number of students meeting proficiency on ELA and Math RISE state assessments by 3% from the 2023-24 school year.
Action Plan & Implementation
Action Steps
- Teachers will follow a school-wide instructional schedule that indicates USBE recommended time allocations for ELA and MA.
- Goal Area: ELA/MA
- Timeline: 2024-25 school year
- Expenditure: No additional cost
- Full-time instructional coach to support teachers in core instruction.
- Goal Area: ELA/MA
- Cost: $99,500.00
- Funding Source: Principal’s M&O
- Expenditure: Salary/Benefits
- Timeline: 2024-25 school year
- Fund an additional FTE to reduce class sizes in lower grades.
- Goal Area: Other
- Cost: $70,000.00
- Funding Source: TSSA
- Expenditure: Salary/Benefits
- Timeline: 2024-25 school year
- Fund PE teacher so teachers can collaborate during common grade-level planning time.
- Goal Area: Other
- Cost: $24,000.00
- Funding Source: Principal’s M&O
- Expenditure: Salary/Benefits
- Timeline: 2024-25 school year
- Professional Development for teachers and paras focused on targeted groups (SWD and ML).
- Goal Area: ML
- Cost: $600.00
- Funding Source: TI PD
- Expenditure: Supplies
- Timeline: 2024-25 school year
- Increase the percentage of K-6 students reading at or above benchmark on Acadience by 10% from BOY to EOY.
- Goal Area: ELA
- Timeline: 2024-25 school year
- Expenditure: No additional cost
- Increase percentage of K-6 students making typical, above typical, or well-above typical progress on Acadience Pathway of Progress by 3%.
- Goal Area: ELA
- Timeline: 2024-25 school year
- Expenditure: No additional cost
- Teachers will progress monitor students following Acadience Reading & Math guidelines (K-6).
- Goal Area: ELA/MA
- Timeline: 2024-25 school year
- Expenditure: No additional cost
- Substitutes for Acadience benchmark tests.
- Goal Area: ELA/MA
- Cost: $4,500.00
- Funding Source: Tchr Quality
- Expenditure: Substitutes
- Timeline: BOY, MOY, EOY
- Provide systematic, explicit, and evidence-based interventions for students who are not meeting state standards using district-approved programs.
- Goal Area: ELA/MA
- Timeline: 2024-25 school year
- Expenditure: No additional cost
- Students who were proficient at the beginning of the year will remain proficient on EOY Acadience Math benchmark.
- Goal Area: MA
- Timeline: 2024-25 school year
- Expenditure: No additional cost
- Increase the percentage of students K-6th scoring at or above grade level from BOY to EOY on the Growth Measure Assessment by 33%.
- Goal Area: MA
- Timeline: 2024-25 school year
- Expenditure: No additional cost
- Intervention organization supplies and materials.
- Goal Area: ELA/MA
- Cost: $500.00
- Funding Source: TI PD
- Expenditure: Supplies
- Hire paras to support students in receiving appropriate interventions or accelerated learning (WIN) daily during “WIN” time.
- Goal Area: ELA/MA
- Cost: $165,000.00
- Funding Source: TI Personnel
- Expenditure: Salary/Benefits
- Timeline: 2024-25 school year
- Provide tiered instruction to students daily using district adopted programs.
- Goal Area: ELA/MA
- Timeline: 2024-25 school year
- Materials and supplies for tiered instruction programs (i.e. printing PASI/PSI materials).
- Goal Area: ELA/MA
- Cost: $700.00
- Funding Source: TI Tiered Instruction
- Expenditure: Supplies
- Timeline: 2024-25 school year
- 80% of MLs will meet their individual adequate progress target on their WIDA ACCESS score.
- Goal Area: ML
- Timeline: 2024-25 school year
- ML Instructional Assistant.
- Goal Area: ML
- Cost: $25,000.00
- Funding Source: EARS 5364 (ML Only)
- Expenditure: Salary/Benefits
- Timeline: 2024-25 school year
- ML PD supplies.
- Goal Area: ML
- Cost: $500.00
- Funding Source: TIII (ML)
- Expenditure: Supplies
- Timeline: 2024-25 school year
- Monthly Professional Development for faculty and/or instructional assistants focused on language acquisition.
- Goal Area: ML
- Timeline: 2024-25 school year
- Review individual student goals and determine the best service options for ML students. Data for MLs will include “Can Do” indicators.
- Goal Area: ML
- Timeline: 2024-25 school year
- Updated data on ML students provided to teachers.
- Goal Area: ML
- Timeline: 2024-25 school year
- Provide tiered instruction to meet the needs of all of our ML population who are WIDA level 1-5.
- Goal Area: ML
- Timeline: 2024-25 school year
- School-wide professional learning on ML instructional strategies.
- Goal Area: ML
- Timeline: 2024-25 school year
- Title I Coordinator.
- Goal Area: ELA/MA
- Cost: $107,560.00
- Funding Source: TI Personnel
- Expenditure: Salary/Benefits
- Timeline: 2024-25 school year
- Title I Preschool Teacher.
- Goal Area: Other
- Cost: $126,336.00
- Funding Source: TI PreK
- Expenditure: Salary/Benefits
- Timeline: 2024-25 school year
- Title I Preschool Instructional Assistant.
- Goal Area: Other
- Cost: $22,000.00
- Funding Source: TI PreK
- Expenditure: Salary/Benefits
- Timeline: 2024-25 school year
- Community Night focused on providing families with take-home literacy activities.
- Goal Area: Other
- Cost: $800.00
- Funding Source: TI Parent Engagement
- Expenditure: Supplies
- Timeline: Fall 2024
- Parent Engagement to support Family Reads, STEM Night, Art Salon/Theater Night, 6th Grade Graduation/Celebration.
- Goal Area: Other
- Cost: $1,414.00
- Funding Source: TI Parent Engagement
- Expenditure: Supplies
- Timeline: 2024-25 school year
Strategic Plan Priority 2: Wellness and Safety
- Fund a 40-hour week Student Success Coach to support students in PBIS and reduce out-of-class time for students needing additional behavior, social, and emotional support.
- Goal Area: ELA
- Cost: $40,000.00
- Funding Source: Landtrust
- Expenditure: Salary/Benefits
- Timeline: 2024-25 school year
- Fund a specialty teacher so grade-level teachers can collaborate during common planning time.
- Goal Area: ELA
- Cost: $25,000.00
- Funding Source: Landtrust
- Expenditure: Salary/Benefits
- Timeline: 2024-25 school year
- SOAR Cards/Title I Documents.
- Goal Area: Other
- Cost: $600.00
- Funding Source: TI Parent Engagement
- Expenditure: Supplies
- Timeline: 2024-25 school year
- 5th and 6th grade students will increase the percentage of favorable responses in the area of self-efficacy by 5 percentage points from Fall Panorama SEL survey administration to Spring Panorama SEL survey administrations.
- Goal Area: Other
- Timeline: 2024-25 school year
- Provide intensive, strategic support for social-emotional and behavior support as needed in grades K-2 with smaller class sizes.
- Goal Area: Other
- Timeline: 2024-25 school year
- Teachers will use Second Step lessons weekly to support students’ skills.
- Goal Area: Other
- Timeline: 2024-25 school year
- The social worker will start social skills groups in September to support targeted students in grades K-3 during lunch as well as incorporating Kindness Club meetings weekly for 4th graders and HOPE Squad meetings weekly for 5th and 6th graders.
- Goal Area: Other
- Timeline: 2024-25 school year
- Increase the number of parent input survey responses by 20% from the 2023-24 school year.
- Goal Area: Other
- Timeline: 2024-25 school year
Strategic Plan Priority 3: Stewardship of Resources
- Principal M&O (0060) 85% of initial allocation.
- Allocation: $124,653.00
- Total in Plan: $123,500.00
- Remaining to Budget: $1,153.00
- Allocation: $78,914.42
- Total in Plan: $70,000.00
- Remaining to Budget: $8,914.42
- Landtrust.
- Allocation: $66,063.08
- Total in Plan: $65,000.00
- Remaining to Budget: $1,063.08
- EARS 5364 (ML Only).
- Allocation: $15,792.00
- Total in Plan: $25,000.00
- Remaining to Budget: -$9,208.00
- TIII (ML) – No funds allocated this year *using EARS.
- Allocation: $0.00
- Total in Plan: $500.00
- Remaining to Budget: -$500.00
- TI 7501 Personnel.
- Allocation: $225,820.00
- Total in Plan: $272,560.00
- Remaining to Budget: -$46,740.00
- TI 7502 Parent Engagement.
- Allocation: $2,814.00
- Total in Plan: $2,814.00
- Remaining to Budget: $0.00
- TI 7503 Tiered Instruction.
- Allocation: $0.00
- Total in Plan: $700.00
- Remaining to Budget: -$700.00
- TI 7504 PD.
- Allocation: $0.00
- Total in Plan: $1,100.00
- Remaining to Budget: -$1,100.00
- TI 7505 PreK.
- Allocation: $148,336.00
- Total in Plan: $148,336.00
- Remaining to Budget: $0.00
- Teacher Quality.
- Allocation: $12,501.00
- Total in Plan: $4,500.00
- Remaining to Budget: $8,001.00
Measurement of Academic Goals
- Administer Acadience Reading benchmarks and progress monitor with fidelity on the current skill and level across all grade levels.
- Grade level selected RISE benchmarks (ELA, Math, Science) given throughout the year as standards are taught (Grades 4-6).
- Can DO ML goals will be set at BOY and regular progress monitoring throughout the school year (K-6).
Measurement of Goals
- Track major and minor incidents in Educator’s Handbook and review data weekly in Student Success Team meetings.
Use of Additional Funds
- If additional funds become available, we would fund an additional interventionist to support teachers during WIN time to meet the instructional needs of students in literacy and math.
Communication of Progress to Stakeholders
- Progress is communicated regularly in School Community Council Meetings, including review of data at the beginning, middle, and end of the school year.
- Teachers will communicate progress to parents at Parent-Teacher Conferences.
Stakeholder Involvement in School Improvement Plan Creation
- The School Community Council discusses and reviews academic and behavior data in October, January, and February meetings.
- Survey results from parents and teachers, as well as Panorama SEL survey data, are reviewed at the beginning and end of the school year.
- These data dives and discussions facilitate the creation of the school improvement plan.
Individuals Involved in the Creation of the School Improvement Plan
- School Leadership: Ruth Ann Snow (Principal), Lori Carlson (Facilitator), Michelle Blair (TI Coordinator)
- Grade Level Leaders: Lisa Roundy, Suzanne Martinez, Taryn Burfeind, Leslie Stilson, Linda Rossiter, Amy Wright, Pam Foster
- School Community Council Members: Ashley Rayback, Olivia Goldman, Lochsley Allred, Cristina Bray, Jenny Wright, and Jackie McDermott (Teacher)