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Distrito escolar de la ciudad de Provo

Escuela Primaria Spring Creek

Padres de Spring Creek,

          Fall break is right around the corner!!  Please note their is no school on Tuesday the 22nd it is a teacher development day.  I can’t believe we are already in the middle of October.  I would like to say that I am impressed with the kindness your kids have shown me as I am getting to know them.  I love greeting them each day and seeing them smile and greet me with a fist bump!  I am also impressed with all of those students who are relatively new to the country.  Learning a new language is hard!!  I see these kids pushing through each day and showing resilience in their efforts.  I would cry in their position, but not these kids they smile and do their best in learning the language.  I also wanted to give a big shout out to our Watch DOGS this year we have had over 20.    We have only had one this week and encourage you to sign up for a day in the near future.  There are a lot of openings so please visit Watch Dog Sign Up page to sign up today!!  Thank you for all of your support with your children.

Weekly Family talking point:  Appropriate language

We are wanting students to use appropriate language in the school setting and everywhere.  Inappropriate language includes swearing, sexual language, vulgarity, potty talk, and name calling.  Possible questions to discuss with your children

  • What types of language do you hear at school?
  • What can you do when you hear language like this?
  • Do you ever use inappropriate language at school?  Why?
  • Why do you think it is not good to use this language?  How does it affect others who hear it?


Jay Porter

Director, Spring Creek Elementary

Próximos temas del calendario

Consulte también el calendario escolar en Calendario de Spring Creek

**Tuesday, Oct 15th – Simulacro de evacuación

**Wednesday, Oct 16th – Kindie Walking Field Trip 12:40pm

**Del jueves 17 al martes 22 de octubre: No hay clases - Vacaciones de otoño

**Miércoles, 23 de octubre: Currículos escolares

**Miércoles, 23 de octubre: Plazo de entrega de las reflexiones (see information below) **Friday, Oct 25th: Choir Party 1:30pm – 2:45pm

**Lunes, 28 de octubre: Spooktacular Community Night 5:30pm – 7:30pm **Jueves, 31 de octubre: Halloween Parade at 3:00 pm – Outside (ver información más abajo)

Programa extraescolar

*** Week of October 14th ****

  • Club Aerie 1st – 3rd meets Monday – Wednesday
  • Club Aerie 4th – 6th meets Monday – Wednesday
  • Hawk Theatre Drama Club 1st – 3rd meets on Tuesday 
  • Hawk Theatre Drama Club 4º - 6º se reúne los lunes y miércoles
  • Robotics Club meets on Monday only! (No Robotics Club on Wednesday)
  • Club de recién llegados 1º - 3º se reúne los lunes y miércoles
  • Newcomers Club 4th – 6th meets on Tuesday

*** Week of October 21st ***

  • Club Aerie 1st – 3rd meets Wednesday & Thursday
  • Club Aerie 4th – 6th meets Wednesday &  Thursday
  • Hawk Theatre Drama Club 1st – 3rd meets on Thursday
  • Hawk Theatre Drama Club 4th – 6th meets on Wednesday
  • Robotics Club meets on Wednesday
  • Newcomers Club 1st – 3rd meets on Wednesday
  • Newcomers Club 4th – 6th meets on Thursday

Simulacro de emergencia

Spring Creek Elementary informa a los padres antes de los Simulacros de Emergencia mensuales que tienen lugar en la escuela. En Tuesday, October 15thEn el día de hoy, realizaremos un Simulacro de Evacuación y seguiremos los Procedimientos del Distrito Escolar de la Ciudad de Provo que se encuentran en el documento adjunto. 

Emergency Procedures Information


At Spring Creek we have lots of great ways that we recognize all the positive things that your children do every day as a school and in each classroom. Each letter in SOAR is for different attributes that we talk about at the beginning of each school day. They include, Show Kindness, Own Your Learning, Act Safely and Respond Responsibly. We have SOAR cards that can be earned and put into a box where we draw their names every day to earn a prize. We also have our Top Hawk cards that students earn when they have shown one of the attributes. This card is mailed to your home so you can see what your child has done. In addition, they receive a token to get a book from our book vending machine.  Their name is also put on our Principal’s 200 Club board. When the board gets 10 names in a row, those students will be invited to attend an activity with Mr. Porter and Mrs. Berges. In September, the students were able to have an ice cream party. We also have our Student of the Month where specific students are recognized from each class for one of the SOAR attributes. They receive a certificate, prizes and a book from our vending machine. It has been so great to see all the amazing ways that our students practice our SOAR attributes every day!


Reflexiones: Do you have a child who is bursting with creativity? Now is the time to let them shine with the PTA Reflections program! This is an art appreciation contest  with an annual theme on which students center their creations. This year’s theme is, “Accepting Imperfection”. Students have the opportunity to submit one entry in seven different art categories for the chance to win an award and move on to the next level of competition! All who participate will get to attend a donut party during a school day at the end of the month. They’ll also be entered to win prizes, and their masterpiece will be on display in the library of the school during Spring Creek’s Community night on October 28th!

Please watch this video for more information: Reflections Information video (youtube)

Todas las candidaturas se presentan en línea. Haga clic en este enlace para obtener más información sobre las normas y cómo presentar una candidatura:

ALL entries are due on Wednesday, October 23rd (el día en que los alumnos regresan de las vacaciones de otoño), así que anime a su hijo a empezar ya con su obra maestra.

Newsletter: Please take a look at our October newsletter for upcoming volunteer opportunities! Santa Shop is coming up soon, and we’ll need all the help we can get. 

October 2024 PTA Newsletter

Le invitamos a nuestra Spooktacular Spring Creek Community Night, que se celebrará el lunes 28 de octubre de 17:30 a 19:00.

The gym will be full of community resources and teachers will have literacy activities to share with you in grade level classrooms. Visit each of them for tips and treats (while supplies last)! Parents will need to be present with their children as you visit each community resource and your student’s grade level classroom. Come dressed in your Halloween costumes if you’d like to!  We will also be providing free dinner (while supplies last!) Our PTA will have an art exhibition set up in the library to show off all of our amazing Reflections entries! Each student will also be able to take home a free book of their choice!  Be sure and mark your calendars, you won’t want to miss this amazing event! See the attached flyer for more information.

Folleto de Spring Creek Spooktacular

Información sobre el desfile de Halloween y normas sobre disfraces

Jueves 31 de octubre a las 15:00 (outside – weather permitting)

Cuando elijas un disfraz, recuerda las siguientes directrices:

  • Masks and hats can be worn during the parade
  • You may wear a blow up costume only in the parade
  • La ropa y el aseo personal no deben distraer del entorno de aprendizaje.
  • Toda la ropa debe llegar por debajo de la mitad del muslo cuando se está sentado.
  • La ropa deberá cubrir en todo momento el vientre, la ropa interior, la espalda y el pecho.
  • No se permiten prendas con imágenes o mensajes inapropiados. 
  • Están prohibidos los estilos e insignias relacionados con las bandas.
  • Se debe llevar ropa y calzado adecuados para el tiempo y la clase de educación física.
  • Los sombreros y las capuchas de las chaquetas o sudaderas no deben llevarse dentro del edificio. 

Important School Information

We are attaching our updated School-Parent-Family Compact, Parent and Family Engagement Policy, and current School Plan for your reference. These were developed by a team of parents, teachers, and administrators. Please look over them and contact Jay Porter ( or Michelle Blair ( if you have any questions about any of them. They are all also available on our school website at any time on the Title I page (linked here) or you can request a hard copy in our school front office.

School – Parent – Family_Compact_fy25_ENG&SPA


Spring Creek School Improvement Plan FY25

0 Acciones

Spring Creek Elementary PTA Acta de la reunión Viernes, 13 de septiembre de 2024 Sala 209 Hora de inicio de la reunión: 10:01 En asistencia: Lindsey Stockdale, Brooke, Kimmie Martinez, Director Jay Porter, Olivia...

¡Usted está invitado a nuestro Spooktacular Spring Creek Noche de la Comunidad, que se celebrará el lunes, 28 de octubre de 5:30-7:00 p.m.! El gimnasio de Spring Creek estará lleno de recursos comunitarios y...

Gracias a todos los padres y familias que pudieron asistir a la actividad de padres de 3º el pasado...

4 de octubre 2024 Spring Creek Padres, Sólo un recordatorio para llenar el formulario que se Enlaza aquí: Estamos pidiendo a los padres para identificar 3...

¡Club de los 200 del Director Porter! Los estudiantes que han recibido un Reconocimiento Top Hawk se ponen en el tablón de anuncios del Club 200 del Director. Una vez que una fila en la tabla 200 está llena, esos estudiantes son...

Felicitaciones a todos los estudiantes nominados y reconocidos para los Halcones del mes del Director Porter para Octubre 2024. El halcón del mes reconoce a los estudiantes que han demostrado...
