Last modified: March 12, 2025
After School Program: Parent Handbook 2024 2025
Spring Creek After School Academy
The Spring Creek After School Academy strives to provide an environment that is safe, comfortable, and exciting, where students can feel supported and cared for. It is a place where creativity, fun, learning, new experiences, and friendships are encouraged.
Address: 1740 S. Nevada Ave, Provo, UT 84606
Kimmy Martinez – Site Coordinator Phone: 801.370.4650 ext 2481
Jay Porter – Principal Phone: 801.370.4650
About the Program
The After School Academy & Activities’ primary focus is to provide academic support, extended learning opportunities, and an engaging learning environment for students to develop positive character traits and interests in different subjects and activities.
- Academic Interventions: Current Spring Creek students in grades 1-6 are eligible to participate in our academic program. If you believe your child needs extra academic support to meet district standards and day school goals, please talk with your child’s teacher. Behavior and/or attendance concerns from the day school may impact eligibility.
- Enrichment Activities: Current Spring Creek students in grades K-6 are eligible to participate in our program, though activities vary by grade level. Please refer to the enrollment form for available activities. Behavior and/or attendance concerns may impact eligibility.
The registration form must be filled out completely before the student may enter the After School Program. It is very important that we receive all registration materials and information to safely serve the needs of your child(ren).
Dress Code
- All students must wear clothing appropriate for the setting and activity.
- Undergarments must be covered at all times.
- See-through or mesh garments must be worn with appropriate coverage underneath.
- Clothing with illegal, threatening, profane, or lewd content is not allowed.
Personal Belongings
- Students must keep personal belongings unrelated to school/class in their backpacks due to health and safety concerns.
- Spring Creek Elementary is not responsible for lost, stolen, or broken personal items brought to the After School Program.
- No toys are allowed in the After School Program.
- If a child brings a cell phone, it must remain turned off and in the backpack. If visible, it will be taken to the front office for a parent to pick up.
Health & Safety
- Parents and/or emergency contacts will be called to pick up their child(ren) if they become sick after school.
- Please ensure that emergency contact numbers are correct and updated with the Site Coordinator.
Snack Program
Snacks will be provided to every student enrolled in the After School Program. A snack consists of two district child nutrition-provided snack items (e.g., milk & muffin, juice & cheese, yogurt & roll). Please notify the Site Coordinator if your child(ren) has any dietary restrictions.
Program Schedule
The After School Program runs Monday-Thursday, from 3:30 – 4:45 PM. The days, activities, and classes offered may vary—see the enrollment form or school website for details.
- Your child(ren) may attend only on days they have enrolled.
- They may not stay on days they are not enrolled.
- We will notify parents in advance of any program cancellations.
- Check the Spring Creek website calendar for program dates.
Special Activities
Throughout the year, we may take field trips or host guest speakers. These activities aim to enhance students’ learning, cultivate unity, and foster friendships. Parents will be notified in advance and must sign a permission form for any activity requiring students to leave campus.
- Students without a signed permission form will not be allowed to participate.
- Depending on the activity, parents may be asked to make a small donation to help cover costs.
- Students unable to contribute will not be excluded from the activity.
Attendance & Pick-Up Policies
Daily Attendance Policy
Good attendance in the After School Program is crucial for your child’s success in the program. Please encourage your child(ren) to attend every day they are enrolled. Due to class size limitations, we want to make sure we can serve as many students as possible.
- Students who do not attend on a regular basis or have two or more unexcused absences may be removed from the program for the rest of the semester.
- Students will not be released early without prior written or verbal permission. If a student suddenly remembers a sports activity, we will not allow early release unless the parent comes into the office to check them out.
- Parents are responsible for informing the program if their child(ren) will be absent for any reason.
Pick-Up Policy
- Students are dismissed from the program each day at 4:45 PM.
- Students must check out with their teacher before being released at the North end doorway, near the Kindergarten playground.
- All students must leave at 4:45 PM via walk, pick-up, or bus, as designated on their enrollment form.
- Any change in dismissal plans must be communicated to the Site Coordinator in advance.
- For safety reasons, only authorized individuals listed by the parent on the registration form or as an Emergency Contact in PowerSchool will be allowed to pick up the child(ren).
- Students will not be released to unauthorized persons unless prior written permission is provided by the parent.
- For last-minute changes, a phone call to the Site Coordinator is required.
- Early pick-up before 4:45 PM requires checking out at the front office. If the office is closed, the Site Coordinator’s contact number will be posted on the front office door.
Late Pick-Up Policy
It is extremely important that parents pick up their child(ren) on time at 4:45 PM. Late pick-ups affect our program budget and staff availability.
- If you anticipate being late due to extenuating circumstances, please notify us as soon as possible.
- A pattern of late pick-ups may result in the student being removed from the After School Program.
- Parents are encouraged to have an emergency plan for student pick-up.
- If inclement weather or traffic delays occur, parents must notify staff immediately and implement their emergency plan.
- Being picked up on time is a condition of participation in the After School Program.
- Students who normally ride the bus to school are eligible to ride the late-run bus home after the After School Program.
- Students must exit the bus at their assigned bus stop.
- Students are required to follow all bus safety rules.
- If the bus driver reports behavior issues, parents will be contacted.
- If you have questions or concerns regarding bus transportation, please contact:
Site Coordinator: | Phone: 801.370.4650 ext 2481
Transportation Department: 801-374-4860
Health & Safety
What Should I Do If My Child Is Sick?
A student may not attend the After School Program with any type of communicable disease, including any of the following symptoms:
- Fever over 100°
- Sore throat
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting
- Undiagnosed rash
- Severe cold
- Discolored nasal discharge
- Inflamed or watery eyes
Parents and/or emergency contacts will be called to pick up their child if the child arrives with or develops any of these symptoms during the day.
Medication Policy
Spring Creek After School Program does not administer any medications to youth.
Emergency Pick-Up Procedures
In the event of an emergency or catastrophic event where the school becomes structurally unsafe or destroyed, parents will be able to pick up their child from After School staff at the same location designated by Spring Creek Elementary’s Emergency Disaster Plan. The After School Program will follow the school’s plan to provide consistency between day school and after school.
Behavior Expectations
Please review these guidelines with your student(s) prior to their enrollment. Students are expected to follow these guidelines:
- Follow all school rules.
- Show Kindness: Be nice and respectful with words and actions.
- Own Your Learning: Have a growth mindset.
- Act Safely: Follow directions and use materials appropriately.
- Respond Responsibly: Do what is asked the first time.
Use the Spring Creek L.E.A.R.N. Tools:
- L – Learn from mistakes
- E – Everyone contributes
- A – Accept challenges and ask questions
- R – Reflect on and respond to feedback
- N – Never give up
- Stay with your group/class.
- Leave personal belongings (such as toys, cell phones, electronics, etc.) in backpacks.
Discipline Procedures
We strive to maintain and promote a safe and positive environment where all students feel welcome and comfortable in after school. We strictly follow all Provo School District Policies and Procedures, as well as school-based policies regarding behavior management (PBIS) and student safety (Safe Schools). This policy also applies to unexcused absences and bus behavior reports.
Minor Offenses
Any minor offense that is not remedied immediately after redirection receives a checkmark on the attendance board. This includes behavior at snack time, hallways, and the classroom.
- First time: Behavior report sent home for parent signature for repetitive minor offense.
- Second time: Parent contact/phone call and behavior report home for signature.
- Third time: Parent phone call, ODR (Office Discipline Referral), and removal from After School Program/activity.
Major Offenses
Students who receive an ODR for major offenses may be removed from the After School Program after their first offense, under the advice of school administration, if the student poses a safety risk to themselves or other students.
- If the student is not in immediate danger to themselves or others, or disrupting the class, the Site Coordinator will be notified, and the student will receive an ODR but will remain in class.
- If a student is argumentative or disruptive, the Site Coordinator or Principal will be contacted for immediate removal from class/activity, and parents will be required to pick up the student.
- Certain major offenses may require immediate removal from program participation, as advised by the Behavior Interventionist, School, and/or District Administration.
If a student exhibits continued behavior problems, permanent removal from the program may be necessary.
Grievance Process
If you have any questions or concerns about the After School Program and/or its staff members, please bring your concerns to the attention of the Site Director/Extended Day Coordinator. If you are not satisfied with the outcomes or continue to have concerns, you may then contact the Principal.
For more details, refer to Provo School District Policy 7315 P1: Complaints Regarding Staff or Programs.
Contact Information:
- Site Director / Extended Day Coordinator: 801-370-4650 ext 2481
- Principal:
Message from the Site Director:
Thank you for your interest in the Spring Creek Elementary After School Program. I look forward to getting to know you and your children. I am grateful to coordinate and provide children with the opportunity to gain knowledge, develop new skills, and embrace new challenges.
A heartfelt “Thank you” to all parents for your unwavering support for your children and their bright futures.
Kimmy Martinez After School Program Site Director Office: 801-370-4650 ext 2481 Cell: 801-227-9379