Last modified: March 12, 2025
Spring Creek Elementary – Quality Tool Action Plan & Goals 2023 2024
All goals to be met before the end of the year – May 2024
- Goal 1: Methods are in place to gather feedback from partners, youth, parents, and other stakeholders.
- Prepare Google surveys for youth and parents to complete in February 2024.
- Goal 2: Fire evacuation drills are conducted monthly. Disaster drills other than fire shall be conducted at least once every six months.
- First Monday of each month: Informal drill and discussions regarding disaster drills (earthquake, lockdown, etc.).
- Goal 3: Staff encourage and guide youth to resolve their own conflicts.
- Staff training in restorative justice practices.
- Request behavior interventionist to assist in training.
- Goal 4: Offer evidence-based prevention/intervention education to build skills and knowledge that promote social success.
- BYU Bibliotherapy lessons to be taught daily.
- Check-out system of SEL materials.
- Increase book library through purchasing additional books.
- Goal 5: Staff use an “I can” statement/learning target tied to activity.
- Students understand the learning target.
- Students know when they are successful in meeting the target.
- Write target on the board or a small whiteboard where students may see it.
- Goal 6: Hire STEM/Robotics & Soccer instructor & mentors to offer a greater variety of activities.
- Goal 7: Program provides a parent handbook that includes information about program policies, procedures, and expectations for youth, family, and staff.
- Program maintains documentation that parents/guardians and staff have received the parent handbook.
- Handbook to be sent to parents electronically in a Google Survey.
- Goal: Create monthly emails for day school teachers regarding student successes and challenges.
- Set up calendar reminders for emails.
- Train staff to take daily notes.
- Provide notebooks for staff.
- Communicate attendance-related challenges with day school teachers & administrators.
- Monitor “no-shows” and contact parents and teachers.
- Track absence reports.
- Improve the proper use of spaces being used.
- Check in with day school staff regarding the condition of spaces after use.
- Communicate with day school regarding behavior plans and concerns.
- Add concerns regarding specific students to meeting agenda with Administrator.
- Share & discuss academic progress and expectations regarding homework and assignments with day school teachers (including iReady assignment completion).
- Schedule time to meet with grade-level group PLCs (10-minute meetings).
- Share information with ASP instructors for alignment with day school.
- Must have a monthly fire evacuation drill or, at minimum, a discussion about the procedure and rules.
- Safe UT App & Suicide Training (March)
- SafeSchools (August)
- Policies & Procedures (September)
- Behavior / Classroom Management (November)
- Safety & Drill Procedures (January)
- DMR (February)
- Program Staff Survey & Feedback (October)
- Summer Orientation (April)
- Summer Training (May)
- Site Coordinator – Day School PD (October)