Last modified: March 12, 2025
Student Parent Handbook
Principal’s Message
Welcome parents and students to Spring Creek Elementary School, home of the Hawks. We are delighted to have you as part of our community of learners. Our goal is to make the school year a positive one for students, parents, and teachers. If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the school at 801-370-4650.
We recognize that you are the most important person in your child’s life. Students are most successful at school when parents are partners in their child’s education. We look forward to your involvement and input. Click on the drop down menus below to learn more about what’s happening at Spring Creek Elementary!
Policies & Information
Our goal is to have every child feel safe and supported in a school environment. This handbook outlines policies and procedures that we are implementing to ensure this outcome. We encourage parents and students to refer to the information regularly in the handbook.
Mission Statement
At Spring Creek Elementary, we believe that we are leaders ascending to excellence. Our mission is continuous progress for all. The Hawk is our mascot and reminds us to spread our wings wide to help us soar to great heights.
We believe in:
- Showing Kindness
- Owning Our Learning
- Acting Safely
- Responding Responsibly
What affects one affects all! As Spring Creek Hawks, we don’t fly, we SOAR!
Spring Creek Expectations
- Show Kindness
- Own Our Learning
- Act Safely
- Respond Responsibly
School Schedule
The lineup bell rings at 8:40 AM. Please do not drop off students before 8:15 AM as there is no supervision before this time.
School dismissal times:
- Monday – Thursday: 3:30 PM
- Friday: 1:30 PM
Drop-Off & Pick-Up
Please follow these guidelines for student drop-off and pick-up to ensure safety and efficiency:
- Do not use the front of the school for dropping students off during bus times. Our buses arrive between 8:10 – 8:20 AM and exit between 8:25 – 8:35 AM. These times are approximate, and buses may arrive early or late.
- Please do not use the roundabout or front area for dropping off during this time. There is not enough clearance space for both buses and cars.
- Student drop-off and pick-up is on the north end of the school. The right lane from the driveway entrance all the way around and up the hill is for drop-off or pick-up.
- Vehicles may stop in this lane to drop off or pick up students. You must fit against the curb and clear the bus lane to stop in the lane parallel to the school. Students should never walk between cars to reach your vehicle.
- The left lane is for through traffic only. Do not stop in this lane to drop off or pick up students, as this is dangerous.
- If no stopping space is available in the right lane, you may park in the parking area and use the crosswalk to walk your child to your car.
- Pedestrian crossings are marked. Please use them instead of walking between cars. This is very dangerous, and we have already had a few near misses.
- When exiting the parking area, you should yield to those driving in the left lane of through traffic. If the through traffic lane gets backed up, merging every other car would be appropriate.
Attendance Reminders
Regular and on-time attendance is important for a student’s academic success. Students who are frequently tardy or absent miss critical instruction. Students who are tardy must check in at the office first. If your child is sick, do not send them to school.
Schools cannot pre-approve absences. Please contact the office to excuse student absences.
District Attendance Policy
The Provo Way is to Attend Every Day!
- Unexcused Absence: A student absence that is not excused by a valid reason will be counted as truancy if not excused within one week of absence.
- Valid Excuses Include:
- Illness
- Death of a family member
- School activity
- Medical appointments
- Family emergency/activity
- Truancy Definition: When a student is absent without a valid excuse for at least half of the school day.
School-Wide Supports
- Develop relationships with families and students
- Create safe, supportive, and engaging schools
- Educate families on attendance policy
- Recognize attendance improvements
- Monitor attendance and set goals
Dress Code
- All students must wear clothing that is appropriate for the setting and activity.
- Undergarments must be covered at all times.
- See-through or mesh garments must be worn with appropriate coverage underneath.
- Any illegal, threatening, profane, or lewd content will not be allowed.
- The School Administration reserves the right to determine if an item of clothing does not meet the dress standards.
- Students violating the dress code will be asked to remove/fix the offending items or return home, with parent/guardian notification, to change their attire.
For more details, see the District Dress Code Policy.
Restricted Items at School
The following items are not allowed at school:
- Toys (including trading cards) and electronic devices
- Cell phones and smartwatches must remain in backpacks and be silenced during the school day, including recess and lunch breaks.
There are phones in every room in the building, and children will be allowed to contact parents for necessary conversations at appropriate times. Cell phones or smartwatches will be confiscated and will only be released to a parent.
The majority of Spring Creek students ride the bus to and from school. Students are expected to use good manners and follow school rules and expectations on the bus.
Disorderly conduct, bullying, vulgar language, and defiance of any kind will not be tolerated and may result in a bus suspension.
Bus Routes
Parents can use the following link to the district website to find out more about bus routes by inputting their address.
Spring Creek uses a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) to meet the individual needs of students. We use evidence-based, district-approved curriculum in all grades and subject areas.
Our school goals focus on:
- Reading growth
- Math and science proficiency scores
- Improved social and emotional skills
We use data to monitor and track progress throughout the school year. In addition to Tier 1 instruction, twice a day, all students participate in W.I.N. time (WIN refers to “What I Need”). Students receive interventions, extra practice, or enrichment lessons during these times in both literacy and math.
Schoolwide Academic Goals
- Goal 1: Increase the percentage of student proficiency in K-6 reaching benchmark or above benchmark from Acadience BOY to EOY by 12 percentage points.
- Goal 2: 75% of our students will make typical or better growth on Acadience from BOY to EOY.
- Goal 1: Increase the percentage of proficiency on RISE Math among 3rd-6th graders by 5%, from 32% in 2022-23 to 37% in 2023-24.
- Goal 2: Double the percentage of students in 1st-6th scoring at or above grade level from BOY to EOY Math Growth Measure Assessment.
- Goal 1: Increase the percentage of proficiency in RISE Science among 4th-6th graders by 4%, from 36% in 2022-23 to 40% in 2023-24.
Multi-Language Learners
- Goal 1: 60% of ELs will meet their individual adequate progress target on their WIDA ACCESS score.
Social & Emotional Learning
We believe in supporting the whole child by teaching students social-emotional skills, such as:
- A growth mindset and setting goals
- Emotion management
- Empathy and kindness
- Problem-solving skills
School Social Worker
Social workers are mental health professionals who assist with social, emotional, mental, or behavioral concerns as part of the total educational process. They support and collaborate with school personnel, community resources, parents, and students to help maximize success in and out of the classroom.
More information can be found here: District Social Worker FAQ
School Social Worker: Kellie Byars (
Social & Emotional Focus
- How well students feel they can manage their emotions, thoughts, and behaviors in different situations.
- How much students feel they can succeed at achieving academic outcomes.
Social & Emotional Focus, Mindfulness Room, and Student Behavior
Social & Emotional Focus
How well students feel they can manage their emotions, thoughts, and behaviors in different situations.
How much students feel they can succeed at achieving academic outcomes.
Mindfulness Room
The Mindfulness Room is set up to help meet the specific social, emotional, and behavioral needs of individual students. It serves four main purposes:
- Sensory Breaks: For students who struggle being in class all day. Breaks can be calming or active.
- Check & Connect: An opportunity for students who need an extra check-in to help them be successful.
- Motivation: Rewards may include free time, prizes, or treats for students who have a behavior support plan with daily follow-up.
- Restorative Space: A Student Success Coach provides targeted social skills lessons or helps students process their actions and feelings.
Student Behavior
We care about each and every student at Spring Creek. Our goal is to empower students to make good choices that demonstrate positive behavior. We expect appropriate behavior and natural consequences for inappropriate behavior. A safe school environment helps every student succeed.
Inappropriate student behavior is categorized as either a minor or major infraction. The severity and frequency of the infraction determine whether it is considered minor or major. Please refer to the behavior table for more details.
Positive Behavior Intervention & Supports (PBIS)
We use a PBIS model that establishes clear expectations for behavior, social interactions, and academic work at Spring Creek. Students are introduced weekly to age-appropriate social-emotional skills that help build their belief in themselves and their capacity to learn new things.
SOAR Cards
When students earn a SOAR CARD, they can enter it into a weekly prize drawing! Every month, students will be spotlighted in the HAWK’S NEST in the foyer of the school.
Title I, Internet & Digital Safety, and Parent Involvement
Title I
For more information about Title I at Spring Creek Elementary, visit: Title I Information.
Internet & Digital Safety
As a reminder, Provo City School District uses Bark for Schools to help monitor school-issued accounts for signs of digital dangers. When potential issues like cyberbullying, suicidal ideation, and threats of violence arise, Bark sends us a notification. Bark for Families links you to your student, enabling you to receive these alerts.
Bark Jr is a free upgrade for Provo City School District parents. This solution works for your personal devices and is not installed on District Chromebooks.
More information can be found here: Internet Safety & Digital Responsibility.
Classroom Assignments
At Spring Creek, we provide quality educational programs for all children in all grade levels. Class assignments are made by a uniform procedure, which applies to all students. We are fortunate to have versatile teachers with an array of strategies and techniques, who will help each child work toward their potential. Because of this, we strive to create diverse classrooms, balanced in both skill levels and demographic characteristics of the students.
- Range of academic performance/abilities
- Range of social and behavioral performance
- Balance of boys and girls
- Balance of special needs
- Balance of total class size
Treats & Outside Activities
Treats, outside activities, invitations to birthday parties, and other activities not related to school functions should be delivered outside of school hours. This will protect uninvited students from hurt feelings.
Treats (for birthdays, special days, etc.) may be brought to school with advance permission from the teacher but must include enough for the entire class. We ask that treats are individually wrapped for each student. Due to federal and state law, treats must be store-bought.
Weekly Newsletter
Every Sunday evening, a Parent Link Email with Spring Creek’s weekly newsletter is sent to parents. These weekly emails provide important reminders for upcoming events as well as information that we need to share with parents.
The newsletter provides an easy and convenient way for you to stay up-to-date with school happenings.
Parent Involvement
The greatest influence in the lives of children is their family. The second greatest influence may be their teachers. Of the 8,760 hours in each year, children spend a minimum of 990 hours with teachers during their school years. It is critical that both home and school focus on helping children be the very best they can be.
As parents, you are members of your child’s educational team, which monitors their welfare and makes decisions for their program.
How You Can Help:
- Ensure your child is at school on time and has eaten a good breakfast.
- Attend all conferences as scheduled.
- Notify your child’s teacher or the principal immediately if you need to cancel a meeting.
- Ask questions and share your ideas.
- Call the school if you have concerns or information that would help the teachers as they work with your child.
- Partner in the learning process by practicing and reviewing school work at home with your child.
- Read with your child regularly.
- Show support for the school in word and action.
- Support the PTA.
- Read all communication from the school and check book bags for important papers.
- Take responsibility for replacing lost or damaged textbooks, library books, and musical instruments.
Schools, parents, and teachers must work together to ensure students are successful in schools. Responsibilities are shared and explained through a “School Compact” which is reviewed and approved annually at our Title I Meeting.
To further support parent involvement, we have a Family Support Advocate who assists parents and families of students in schools, provides information about activities and procedures, and strengthens the relationship between families and schools.
Spring Creek PTA, Family Reads Program, and School Community Council
Spring Creek PTA
The PTA provides a way for you, as parents, to become involved in your child’s education and school. You may help in literacy, legislative issues, health, student development, arts education, and other areas.
Utah PTA has had a major influence on our government officials to:
- Reduce class size
- Fully fund kindergarten
- Secure child abuse laws
- Provide safe sidewalks and crosswalks
- Pass laws to put school trust land monies into the schools
Utah PTA continues to insist on comprehensive, equitable, and effective education and funding for all of Utah’s children.
PTA Meetings are held on the second Friday of each month at 10:00 AM.
Spring Creek PTA supports a variety of activities and programs at our school such as:
- Teacher Appreciation Week
- The Spectacular Color Festival
- Field Day
- Support for Battle of the Books and STEM Fair
- Santa Shoppe
- Dinners for the teachers during Parent-Teacher Conferences
- And more!
All of this is possible because of the work of countless volunteers like you!
2023-24 PTA Board
- President: Lochsley Allred
- President Elect: Olivia Goldman
- Treasurer: Tyler Steele
- Secretary: Cristina Bray
For more information, visit the Spring Creek PTA Website.
View the School Calendar.
Family Reads Program
We are excited to continue an awesome program at Spring Creek called Family Reads! Each family will be able to choose a free book that your child will take home from school to read together as a family.
When you’re finished reading it, you’ll let us know what you thought of the book—and best of all, the book is yours to keep!
For more information, visit the Family Reads Program page.
School Community Council (SCC)
What is SCC?
The School Community Council at Spring Creek Elementary is a committee of interested community members including parents, school staff, and administrators who meet to discuss parent and student issues, Trustlands money, reading achievement, and other concerns.
If you have issues to discuss or suggestions on how to improve our school, then SCC is the place for you!
What is the School Land Trust Program?
The School LAND Trust Program brings tens of millions of dollars annually to academic programs in public schools across Utah. The funds are generated from school trust lands. These funds are the only discretionary funds many schools receive.
Each public school in Utah elects a school community council consisting of parents, teachers, and the principal. All councils have a two-parent member majority. Each council carefully reviews student assessments and progress to determine which academic areas they want to focus on.
How it Works:
- Plans are developed to improve student academic performance using the annual School LAND Trust funds.
- The plans are approved by the council, submitted online, and approved by the local school board.
- The Utah Legislature has assigned councils responsibility for school safety and digital citizenship.
- Administrators, staff, and parents work together to ensure the best possible results for students.
For more information, visit the Spring Creek SCC Website.
Extended Day Program, Child Nutrition, Specialty Classes, and Faculty & Staff
Extended Day/After School Program
Mission Statement
The After School Academy strives to provide an environment that is safe, comfortable, and relaxing where students can feel cared for. A place where creativity, fun, learning, and new experiences and friendships are encouraged.
After School Coordinator: Kimmy Martinez (
For more information, visit the After School Program Website.
Child Nutrition
At the Provo City School District Child Nutrition Program, our mission is clear: to provide all students with a wide range of safe, nutritious, and freshly prepared meals, including delicious entrées, as well as a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables every day.
We strive to enhance student achievement by promoting nutrition, education, and physical activity, ensuring that each student can achieve their highest potential in lifelong learning, health, and overall well-being.
For additional information, visit the Provo City School District Child Nutrition Page.
Specialty Classes
At Spring Creek Elementary, we are fortunate to have a variety of specialty classes for all students to enjoy.
Twice a week, students have the opportunity to go to:
- Physical Education (P.E.)
- Music
- Visual Arts
- Media Center
In addition, every Friday, all students participate in a STEAM activity. Upper grade students also learn keyboarding skills.
Spring Creek Faculty & Staff
For a complete list of faculty and staff members at Spring Creek Elementary, visit:
Spring Creek Faculty & Staff Directory
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- SlidesCarnival for the presentation template
- Pexels for the photos
Happy designing!