Our Spring Creek Singers performed at Provo High in the District Choir Festival today. They sang beautifully in that acoustical space. If you would like to see their performance, here is the live...
Next week is Staff Appreciation Week! "Working at Spring Creek is a walk in the Park: Jurassic Park". We will have dress up days each day next week! -Monday, 03/27: Stomp into the week: Wear...
Since the beginning of January, the 3rd-6th grade students have been participating in a book reading competition called Battle of the Books during their weekly library time. The competition has ended...
Parents, it is time to begin registering students for preschool for the 2023-2024 school year. To be eligible for preschool, a few criteria must be met: Your child must be 4 years old by...
March 20, 2023 Dear Spring Creek Families, The testing season is upon us and after Spring Break, students in grades 3-6 will begin state summative testing (RISE). We know this can be a stressful...
In Mrs. Kempter’s 5th grade class, students are exploring the law of conservation of matter by experimenting with Legos! The class predicted that a pile of legos would weigh more once it was put...
Yesterday at lunch recess students were given bracelets when we caught them demonstrating team work and safe behavior… these are a few 4th graders who were found playing 4 square safely and happily...