September 6, 2024 Spring Creek Parents, It has been a fantastic week! We have started our Acadience reading testing across all grade levels and the curriculum is in full swing:) We have...
Congratulations to all of the students nominated & recognized for Principal Porter’s Hawks of the month for September 2024. The Hawk of the Month recognizes students who have demonstrated...
August 30, 2024 Spring Creek Parents, WOW! What a phenomenal night with OUr dads and students last night!! We had over 400 people in attendance and 560 slices of Pizza Consumed!...
As a reminder, Monday is Labor Day. There will be no school on Monday, September 2nd. School will resume on Tuesday, September 3rd. We hope you have a safe and enjoyable 3 day...
Our first annual Watch D.O.G.S. pizza night was a huge success! We had an amazing turn out of fathers and “father-figures” with the students they support! Over 400 sign ups from fathers and...
Fist bump Fridays!! Our students love that Principal Porter and Vice Principal Berges greet our students with a super hero fist bump when they arrive to school on Fridays 🤜🏼✨🤛🏼 The...
Did you know that Spring Creek participates in the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP). This allows our students to have the opportunity to try two fresh fruit or vegetable snacks provided in...
Hi Parents, If you had a student in Kindergarten-3rd grade at Spring Creek last year, you should have received 4 books in the mail over the summer. Those students who read their books and...