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Provo City School District

Spring Creek Elementary School

February 18, 2024

Dear Spring Creek Families,

At this time of year I want to take the opportunity to remind parents and students of our social emotional goals that we have as a school. All year, students have been learning about the concepts of self-efficacy and self-management in weekly lessons. Self-management is defined as “how well students can manage their emotions, thoughts and behaviors in different situations.” The concept of self-efficacy is defined as “how much students feel they succeed in achieving academic outcomes.” Each week teachers and students learn, discuss and collaborate with each other on what this looks like and then apply it in the classroom. For example, it could be a younger student learning to use their words to express frustration. For an older student, it might look like a student sticking with a difficult assignment or completing homework because they know it will help them be a better learner. I hope you can think of ways you might help your student practice these skills at home. We believe students can do hard things and succeed!

Finally, as a reminder there is no school on Monday, February 19 in honor of President’s Day. 

Spring Creek Hawks don’t fly, they SOAR!

Ruth Ann Snow, Principal

Upcoming Calendar Items

**Monday February 19th: No School – Presidents’ Day

**Tuesday, Feb 20th: 5th Grade Camp Big Springs Registration Open Until Filled

**Friday February 23rd: 6th Grade BYU Mentoring Field Trip

After School Program This Week

  • After School Academy 1-2 will meet Tuesday – Thursday
  • After School Academy 3-4  will meet Tuesday – Thursday
  • After School Academy 5-6  will meet Tuesday – Thursday
  • Hawk Theatre Drama Club 1st – 3rd will meet  Wednesday
  • Hawk Theatre Drama Club 4th – 6th will meet Tuesday & Thursday
  • Robotics Club will meet Tuesday – Thursday 
  • HOPE Squad will meet this Wednesday!


Choir will have rehearsal on Tuesday, February 20 and Thursday, February 22.  We are preparing for our upcoming district choir festival on Thursday, March 7th. 

5th Grade Camp Big Springs

Each summer Provo City School District, in conjunction with Provo City Parks and Recreation, provides an Outdoor Education (summer STEM camp) Program. This is a co-curricular program that is an extension of the current fifth grade STEM curriculum. Students just finishing fifth grade are invited to participate and will spend five days at a camp located up the South Fork of Provo Canyon where they will be involved in activities such as hands-on science experiences, arts & crafts, sports & recreation and campfire programs.

Information can be found at Camp Big Springs (also see attached flyer)

~ Friday, Feb 16th: Registration Packets were sent home with students

~ Tuesday, Feb 20th: Registration Begins (closes March 8th or until filled)

Payments or Scholarship Form must be submitted with the Application. Scholarship Forms can be picked up in the school office.

~ Friday, March 8th: All registration fees and online registration forms are due

Central Utah STEM Fair

We are excited to announce that one of our STEM Fair Projects has been selected to compete at the Central Utah STEM Fair! This group of Fifth Graders did excellent at the District STEM Fair and will now compete at the State Competition on March 19th! We want to give a big congratulations to Maelee Whiting, Isla Bray, and Addisyn Kauvaka!

WIDA Testing

Our ML (multilingual) students will be taking the WIDA ACCESS test over the next 2 weeks. This test measures students’ academic English usage in reading, writing, speaking, and listening. The test scores will be used to determine supports for academic English development and to show academic English progress. Please be sure your child is here at school everyday, gets a good night’s rest, and eats breakfast so they are prepared to do their very best on the test. If you have any questions regarding this testing, please contact Ruth Ann Snow or Michelle Blair


As we prep for Staff Appreciation Week, we are having people sign up to decorate classroom doors. This year’s theme is “Our Staff is Amazing: Read All About It!”

Please sign up here to pick a door.

We provide the butcher paper for you to decorate the door. To get your paper contact Nicole Hill at 385-450-6833 or

Family Reads

Our Battle of the Books competition will be here before you know it! If you have a 3rd-6th grade student that would like to participate in Battle of the Books we want to let you know that our Family Reads program is a great place to get the books they need to read for the competition! We have almost every book available! Request a free book from our Family Reads Google form and get busy reading! There is more information on how to do this on our school website. Let Mrs. Smith ( our librarian, know if you have any questions!

2024-25 Preschool Registration

Registration has begun for the  2024-25 Provo City School District Title I Preschool. See attached flyer for more information. 


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