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Provo City School District

Spring Creek Elementary School

Spring Creek Elementary PTA Meeting Minutes

Friday, September 13, 2024

Room 209

Meeting start time: 10:01

In attendance: Lindsey Stockdale, Brooke, Kimmie Martinez, Principal Jay Porter, Olivia Goldman, Ashley Rayback, Nicole Hill, Jenny Wright

  1. Call to Order/Introduction: Olivia Goldman (PTA President)
  2. Pledge of Allegiance: By Invitation
  3. Principal Update: Principal Jay Porter (Administrative VP)
    1. The Watch dogs program was successful. 
    2. Look out for a parent questionnaire regarding our children’s strengths.
  4. Community Outreach Report: Kimmy Martinez          
    1. Day of caring yesterday. MTEC came and refreshed our playground.  
    2. First week of afterschool started last week.
    3. Newcomers club has been going well.                                                                 
    4. Room parent will be started in the next couple of weeks.
  5. School Board Report: Olivia Goldman, reporting on behalf of Jennifer Partridge
    1. Cell phone policy survey will be sent out soon. Possible implementation by January.
    2. Citizens advocacy for the district, looking for committee members.
    3. Amendment A, board drafting a position against this.  
    4. Boundary and feasibility study
    5. Foundation golf tournament September 26th
    6. Next board meeting is Friday, September 27th.
  6. Ashley – PTA has taken official positions on the amendments. 
    1. NAY FOR A
    2. B is best for schools, vote yes on this
    3. D for Don’t. Vote no
  7. Upcoming Events/Volunteer Opportunities:
    1. Vision Screening: September 19th, 8:40-11:00 am, Spring Creek Gym
    2. Spectacular Color Festival: September 23rd, 5:30-7:30pm
      1. Help stuffing powder pre-orders and school t-shirts
      2. September 19th- 2-3 pm @ Ashley’s: Nicole, Lindsey, Ashley, Cristina, Jenny, Lochsley, Olivia
      3. Help fulfilling powder sales at the event Jason A. and Jason W., Lindsey, DJ Ashley
      4. Reminder flier to go in shirt bags on Sept 20 (Nicole)
      5. Set up right after school and clean up after event
  8. Reflections: Submission deadline of October 23rd
    1. Advertising (emails, posters, flyers, school website and social media, video promo, sign at drop-off with countdown, skit).
    2. Awards (award of excellence and award of merit).
    3. Submissions and judges: Lindsey     
    4. After School program
      1. help Making videos to get the kids excited about reflections
      2. Get the art teacher involved
      3. Provo library is doing young writers collection, if any kids have a literature submissions for reflections
  9. Official PTA Business:
    1. Treasurer Report: Lochsley Allred (Treasurer)
      1. August budget shared
      2. No questions
  10. PTA Volunteer Spotlight
    1. Winona Solei
  11. Watch dogs– creating an online page

Meeting adjourned 10:37 am

Our next meeting will be on Friday, October 11, at 10am

If you have any questions, suggestions, or would like to help out, please email Olivia Goldman at


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