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Provo City School District

Spring Creek Elementary School

Spring Creek Elementary PTA Meeting

Friday, November 8, 2024

Room 209

Call to Order/Introduction: Olivia Goldman (President)

In attendance: Olivia Goldman, Jay Porter, Brooke Burgess, Jennifer Partridge, Ashley Rayback, Lochsley Allred, Jenny Wright, Cristina Bray, Martin Bateman 

Pledge of Allegiance: Kimmie Martinez 

Principal Update: Principal Jay Porter (Administrative VP)

  • Brooke: There will be a Veteran’s Assembly on Monday. The students will be singing songs they’ve practiced, 5th graders will be talking about branches of the military, and the Reflections awards will be given for five minutes at the beginning.
  • Field Trip: On the 19th there is a field trip to UVU to see the stained glass exhibit. Brooke and Jay read The Piece That is You that is based on the person who read the stained glass exhibit. They want to get across to them that they are important and needed in Spring Creek. 
  • Jay: “Is it bullying?” poster in the hallway to help kids understand and identify if it’s bullying or just a disagreement. They’re working with the leadership team to work on a “Stop, Walk, Talk” procedure to empower them to take care of some of their own issues. 

Teacher VP Report: Pam Foster

  • She is going to suggest to the teachers to come and help during Santa Shoppe. They are looking forward to it and it went well last year. 
  • Santa Shoppe will be at the library this year. 

Community Outreach Report: Kimmy Martinez                    

  • We are having after school on Monday and Tuesday but not on Wednesday and Thursday.
  • No after school the week of Thanksgiving. 
  • We do the full year of enrollment because the same kids end up signing up for the same thing and so it’s more consistent for the year.                                                   

School Board Report: Jennifer Partridge

  • There will be a school board meeting on Tuesday and they will be voting on the cell phone policy. 
    • What might still change before Tuesday: what happens to the phone if the parent can’t come get it right before the school day? Options: It can be left at the school in the safe until the parent comes, the kid can take the pouch home. If there is a second infraction they just contact the parent to have them unlock it.. Third: meeting with the parent and administrator to unlock it.  
    • There is a caveat for some exceptions, she will check on phones for field trips.
    • Jay question: Students using their phones on the bus. Is there anything in the policy that addresses the phone on the bus?
    • Jennifer: We’re having general issues with behavior on the bus that they are aware of and supporting their drivers with better behavior. 
    • Jay question: With the watch policy the way it’s written, do schools have the freedom to say no watches on the kids? They can’t control them in the bathroom or on the playground? Does the school have the freedom to tighten that up?
    • Jennifer: “Each individual school should develop a school-wide policy that aligns with the district policy.” Smart watches need to also be out of sight.
    • Olivia question: They can’t have their phones on them if they have a hall pass unless they contact their parents. Why can’t they just use the school phone?
    • Jennifer: After school they can go get their phone and get it unlocked. 
    • Once it is approved it doesn’t go into effect until after we get back from the winter break so we have time to educate, promote, and let everybody know it’s happening and get everybody ready for it. This is not changing at the elementary/middle schools. 
    • Cristina: After reading The Anxious Generation it is a good policy. 
    • Olivia: A lot of the anecdotal evidence shows the kids are grateful for it and they get used to it.
    • Jennifer: The title of the policy is “Fostering Ideal Learning Environments: Electronic Device Restrictions,” policy 4200.
  • Dixon site and rebuilding the rest of Timpview: At Tuesday’s meeting they will be discussing funding the next phase of Timpview. They have had preliminary discussions and they’re deciding to see if they should fund the rest of the MBA bond so that it can happen at any time. They want to be able to move the timeline faster than going to the public for a vote which is at least a year away. They’re still waiting on some more final plans for the actual plans to rebuild and then once that kind of a bond is approved it will affect taxes but only in increments. Currently the rates for the two different types of bonds are pretty much the same so it won’t cost tax payers more.
  • Dixon: They had a good turnout at the trunk-or-treat and people were supportive of the options. The vote was tied between:
  • Option 1: building a CTE learning center and moving the adult ed and CTE at that site, and possibly creating a district site.
  • Option 2: Take Timpanogos Elementary, build a new building at Dixon site, and then retrofit Timpanogos to be CTE/East Bay Post High/some district.
  • They are in the middle of conducting a boundary feasibility study and they won’t make decisions until there are all the ins and outs of things there. It will hopefully be done at January or February. They’ll also be looking at DLI programs.
  • Selling is always an option on the table, but the selling is usually a drop in the bucket compared to the prices and once you sell it you don’t have it back and then it is a lot more expensive to buy land back once it’s gone. 

Upcoming Events/Volunteer Opportunities:

  • Room Parent: Scan the first QR code to volunteer to help in a classroom
  • Santa Shop:
    • December 10-13. Scan the second QR code to sign up to help students shop  
  • Santa Shop Workshop: Friday, November 22, 10:00-11:30 am; assembling gifts for Santa Shop (no need to sign up, just come). Meet in room 209.
  • Book Fair: November 11-12 (Preview Days), 13-14 (Shopping Days when help is most needed). Scan the third QR code to help
  • Hawk Mascot Voting: We will have a list of names to vote for and we have “I voted” stickers and such. 
  • Hot Chocolate Bar: Thursday, December 19. 
  • Digital Safety Week: January 13-17
    • “Be Internet Awesome”
    • Be Smart: Share with Care
    • Be Alert: Don’t Fall for Fake
    • Be Strong: Secure Your Secrets
    • Be Kind: It’s Cool to Be Kind
    • Be Brave: When in Doubt, Talk it Out
    • Ideas: dress up days, lunchtime activities, possible parent night where we present all these ideas and give them resources that will help them to start a conversation with their children; explaining district’s policy on electronic devices

Official PTA Business:

Treasurer Report: Lochsley Allred (Treasurer)

October 2024 Treasurer Report

Secretary Report: Cristina Bray (Secretary), Ashley Rayback filling in 

Approval of September and October 2024 Minutes

PTA Volunteer Spotlight: Lochsley Allred

  • Kimmie is our Volunteer of the Month. We selected her because she is really good at making sure that our information gets out, that our newsletters are getting shared and publicized, and we really appreciate all the work she does to make sure people know about PTA events. 

Our next meeting will be on Friday, January 10, at 10am

Olivia: Moves to adjourn the meeting at 11:12

Jenny: Seconds it

If you have any questions, suggestions, or would like to help out, please email Olivia Goldman at


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