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Provo City School District

Spring Creek Elementary School

April 9, 2023

Dear Spring Creek Families,

A huge thank you to the countless hours of preparation and service that our PTA  rendered the last week of March with their love and appreciation for Spring Creek staff and faculty. I hope you had a chance to see the school transformed into Jurassic Park! Many thanks to all of you who have made this possible.

I  hope families have had a restful and rejuvenating break from school. With school resuming on Monday, we will be entering the final weeks of school. We look forward to continued learning, meaningful experiences and ending the school year strong.

Thank you for your ongoing support of your students and all of us here at Spring Creek!

Sincerely, Ruth Ann Snow, Principal

This Week In The After School Program

  • After School Academy 1st & 2nd grade meets Monday – Thursday
  • After School Academy 3rd & 4th grade meets Monday – Thursday
  • After School Academy 5th & 6th  grade meets Monday – Thursday
  • Robotics Club meets on Tuesday & Thursday
  • HOPE Squad will meet this Wednesday!


  • Rehearsals – Tuesday, Thursday, and FRIDAY at 7:30 a.m.
  • Field Trip –  Friday, April 14 – Wear your choir t-shirts! 


Thank you to everyone who worked so hard to make staff appreciation week a success! We are so grateful to everyone who decorated a door, helped decorate and clean up, and who made it possible for their kids to participate in the dress up days! 

Our next PTA meeting is Friday April 14th at 10am in the library. We’d love to see you there as we discuss the rest of the year including field day, and forming a committee for planning next year’s Spectacular Color Festival!

2023-24 Kindergarten Registration

New student registration for the 2023-24 school year began March 15th. Your child must be 5 years old on or before September 1, 2023 to be enrolled in Kindergarten. Registration is a 3-step process, mainly done online. Appointment preferred for in person registration. Click here for more information and to begin the registration process. Contact the school office at 801-370-4650 with any questions.

2023-24 Preschool Registration

Registration has begun for the 2023-24 Provo City School District Title I Preschool. Link for information and to register

UVU Brain Fair Saturday, April 8th

Please refer to the attached flyer for more information about the event. The fair will provide an opportunity for children of all ages to learn about the brain, neurons, and our senses through various activity stations set up by UVU undergraduate students under psychology faculty mentorship. This is a great opportunity for parents to engage their children in science education and expand their knowledge about the human brain. 

2023 Brain Fair Flyer

PCSD second annual “Night for All Families”

Provo City School District’s second annual “Night for All Families” is in 1.5 months! Please save the date: May 6, 5pm-7pm. All families of students, parents/guardians, are invited and everyone can bring guests. See attached flyer for more information

A Night for All Families

Boys and Girls Club Summer Program

Please refer to the attached flyer for information about the program.

Summer Flyer Provo Peaks (English)

Summer Flyer Provo Peaks (Spanish)


There is no place like Spring Creek!  To show appreciation for the staff at Spring Creek, the PTA invites you to participate in Dress Up Days March 24-28, 2025.   Monday Follow the Yellow...

March 14, 2025 Spring Creek Parents,      I just got back from our choir performing in the District Choir Festival. Spring Creek students did a fantastic job representing our school. They...

Children's Career Day Saturday, March 15, 2025 @ Timpview High School Session #1: 9:00 - 11:00 am Session #2: 11:00 - 1:00 pm All Elementary Students invited! $10.00 ticket per...

As we all know the design of our parking lot is challenging at best. We really need your help in keeping students and others safe. We ask that you watch for the adults trying to help students cross...

March 7, 2025 Spring Creek Parents, It has been a very busy week with behaviors.  Our students seem to be catching the spring fever.  We will be having them watch a video next week giving them a...

SCC agenda & minutes for February 28th 2025 9:00-9:10 Safety meeting:   Chaos in the parking lot-need to be able to get past and out. Pick up and drop off in the morning and afternoon....
