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Provo City School District

Spring Creek Elementary School

We hope you are getting excited about the STEM Fair! 

For all information about the STEM Fair, see the following slides. You can also watch the video below for more specific information!

Video – English

Slides – English

Slides – Spanish

If you are interested in participating, you need to submit an application. An application is required and due by January 23rd in order to participate in the STEM Fair. Any project without an application will not be accepted. Either pick up a hard copy from Mrs. Kempter in Room 212 or can be found on this form

If you fill out an application form, you can receive a free tri-fold poster from the office! First, you must turn in the completed application to Mrs. Kempter. Once you turn in an application, Mrs. Kempter will give you a “coupon” to redeem your poster from the front office. You will only receive a poster from the office if you have a coupon! 

Each group needs to turn in just ONE application.

K-4 Application

5-6 Application

Printable instructions have been made available on’s website, or here’s the links:

Science Fair Student Paperwork:

Engineering Fair Student Paperwork:

Computer Science Fair Student Paperwork:

For 5th and 6th graders:  At the district STEM Fair, students can submit a trifold poster or a google slideshow. Here are templates for the google slides: 

Science Fair:

Engineering Fair:

Computer Science:

If you are interested in personal help on your STEM Fair project, we have a support club that will meet after school 3 times! Here are the meeting dates

1st – 4th grade

1 – Tuesday, Dec 6th

2 – Tuesday, Jan 10th

3 – Wednesday, Jan 18th

5th – 6th grade

1 – Monday, Dec 5th

2 – Monday, Jan 9th

3 – Thursday, Jan 19th

To participate in the after school support club, you must fill out and turn in an application! You can either get a hard copy of the form from Mrs. Kempter in Room 212, or use the links below.

English ASP form Spanish ASP form

If you have any questions, email Mrs. Kempter at or stop by her room in 212.


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