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Provo City School District

Spring Creek Elementary School

September 10, 2023

Dear Spring Creek Families,

What another wonderful week with your students! I’m so proud of the great choices students are making at school. I have the privilege of reading through ALL the SOAR cards every week. I see countless examples of students showing kindness, owning their learning, acting safely and responding responsibly. Last week we had hundreds of SOAR cards earned by students. On Tuesday, 90 students received an additional SOAR bracelet. I think this was a Spring Creek record!  I hope when students bring home SOAR cards that you take time to celebrate their efforts. What affects one affects all!

Attached to this week’s email is a flier in English and Spanish that shares information about Spring Creek’s Mindfulness Room. The space is a calming area where students can check-in with a Student Success Coach, reflect on their choices and occasionally, where we work with students on restorative practices when they make a mistake. As part of our Positive Behavior Interventions Support, we are moving away from “office referrals” or the dreaded “ODR” that older students know, to natural consequences that still hold students accountable but that provide support in a way that builds students skills. 

Lastly, we encourage you to follow our Spring Creek Elementary Instagram (@springcreekprovo) and/or Facebook accounts where daily updates are posted on the happenings at school. In an effort to share more about the school and our fantastic staff and students, I have a new Instagram account that you are welcome to follow too (@principal_snow).

Be sure to check out the rest of the newsletter for important information about this coming week of school!

Spring Creek Hawks Don’t Fly, They SOAR!

Sincerely, Mrs. Snow, Principal

Upcoming Calendar Items

  • **Monday, Sep 11th: Monthly Emergency Drill – Lockdown
  • **Tuesday, Sep 12th: Choir Begins (meets Tue & Thu at 7:30am)
  • **Thursday, Sep 14th: United Way Day of Caring
  • **Friday, Sep 15th: School Community Council Mtg 9:00am in the Library
  • **Monday, Sep 18th: Spectacular Color Festival Donations & Orders Due
  • **Tuesday, Sep 19th: Picture Day (all students will have their picture taken)
  • **Save The Date: Monday, Sep 25th Spectacular Color Festival 5:30pm-7:30pm

After School Program

No After School Programs this week

Next week will will be the first week of Theatre 4th – 6th and After School Academy 3-4 & 5-6

Emergency Lockdown Drill

Spring Creek Elementary informs parents prior to the monthly Emergency Drills taking place at the school. On Monday, September 11th, we will be conducting a Lockdown drill and will be following the Provo City School District Procedures found on the attached document. 

Spring Creek Choir

Our Spring Creek Singers will begin rehearsing this Tuesday in the Library Kiva at 7:30 a.m. Students in grades 3-6 are welcome to sing with us!  Get a registration form from Mrs. Gylseth, or just come and join in on Tuesday! 

Day of Caring

Spring Creek is participating in United Way’s Day of Caring on Thursday, September 14th. Volunteers from Women United and NuSkin  are coming to our school to paint and refresh our Kindergarten sidewalk games, paint and provide a “Buddy Bench” for our playground, and clean up the front of our school. We are grateful for the time, effort, and generosity of United Way, NuSkin, and Women United for all they are doing to support these projects at our school. 


PTA meeting Friday September 15th at 10am in the library. We’ll be discussing more volunteer opportunities for the Annual Spectacular Color Festival!


Tuesday, Sep 19th

Every student will have their picture taken even if parents are not ordering pictures.

Information and Order Forms were sent home last week.

Pictures can be ordered online before picture day at ~ Use ID: EVT4BD48B

No need to return order form if ordering online

Students paying with check or cash need an order form filled out with the exact payment enclosed to give to the photographer on picture day. (photographer & school office do not have change)

Picture Make-Up Day: Thursday, November 2nd

Hope Squad

Parents of Hope Squad Members!  Please let your student know that Hope Squad will start Wednesday–September 20th and run from 3:45 pm to 4:45 pm 


Reminder to update your online forms in PowerSchool at if you have not done so already.

All parents/guardians are required to update the online forms in their Parent Portal Account on Powerschool every year. Contact the school office at 801-370-4650 if you have forgotten your login information and they will reset it for you.

Community Events Information & Flyers See attached Community Events Flyers


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Yesterday, Mrs Foster's 6th grade class were learning about Density and that hot air is less dense than cool air. We had a black plastic tube filled with air, sealed, and feathered. After a few...

Friends from Utah Valley Regional Medical Center came to visit students at lunch to encourage them to eat fruits & vegetables, to get a good night sleep, and to exercise to stay healthy! Their...

What an amazing event and fun night put together by our wonderful PTA! It was so great to see all of our students and families having so much fun! Thank you to our hardworking and talented PTA and...

September 20, 2024 Spring Creek Parents,      A BIG thank you to our PTA for getting things lined up for the Spring Creek Spectacular on Monday!  Today we saw our school shirts for the...

Mrs. Fosters class is conducting experiments. Combining elements to see if there is a chemical reaction and if something new is created....
