Dress Like A Scientist or Paleontologist Day – Staff Appreciation Week 03/30/23
May 5th, 2023
Flashback Friday!! Flashback to Staff Appreciation week, Dress like a Scientist or Paleontologist day...
Flashback Friday!! Flashback to Staff Appreciation week, Dress like a Scientist or Paleontologist day...
On Thursday, 5th grade had a wonderful presentation from the Marriott Library at Utah State University. Through the Book Arts Treasure Chest program, the students were able to learn about and handle...
PreSchool End of Year testing appointments are available May 19th - 25th. Sign up now!! Please use this link to schedule a testing appointment:...
Ms Rossiter's 4th grade class had a fun S.T.E.A.M. lesson about Wind & Energy on Wednesday, May...
What a bitter sweet day filled with fun! The After School Program 3rd & 4th grade Academy played games and enjoyed the last day together in the After School...
Congratulations to the 7 teams in the After School Robotics Club! Everyone worked hard and had a great time building and coding their Spike Lego Robots for the past 12 weeks! We had a Robotics...
Parent Input Form In the next few days we will create the class lists for the next school year. We take student placement in classes very seriously. We ask for feedback from teachers and...
April 30, 2023 Dear Spring Creek Families, In the coming days we will be creating class lists for next year. We take student class placement very seriously. We ask for teacher and staff input. We...
Miss Roundy's class enjoyed observing and learning about animals at the Loveland Living Aquarium. We saw animals from the arctic waters, deep sea, South American Rainforest, Asian Cloud Forest,...