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Provo City School District

Spring Creek Elementary School

February 12, 2023

Dear Spring Creek Families,

This week we are kicking off KINDNESS WEEK at Spring Creek! All week long we will be focusing on the kind acts of others and sharing them on classroom doors with sticky note hearts. On Monday morning, I’ll be sharing short messages with students to start the week. We hope that students will look for extra ways to be kind to other students or staff members and notice the kind things that others do for them. 

Doors open every morning at 8:15. If students have not eaten breakfast, they should go to the cafeteria and eat. Depending on the day, students can play outside or choose the following indoor activities: library, art, gym or the Mindfulness Room. Activities inside end at 8:35 and then students are expected to go outside and line up and wait for their teacher to pick them up at 8:40. Students should walk to class with their teacher. Students should not stand outside of their classroom door and wait for their class to arrive. 

Weekly Indoor Activities Schedule

  • Monday: Library, Art, Mindfulness Room
  • Tuesday: Gym, Art, Library, Mindfulness Room
  • Wednesday: Gym, Art, Library, Mindfulness Room
  • Thursday: Gym, Art, Library, Mindfulness Room
  • Friday: Mindfulness Room, Gym

Lastly, please remember that if you bring birthday treats for your child to share with the class, that they need to be store-bought and individually wrapped. 

With Kindness Week starting, I want to express my gratitude and thanks for the kindness you show me and our staff. We love working with your students!

Sincerely, Mrs. Snow, Principal

Upcoming Calendar Items

  • **Monday – Friday: Kindness Week
  • **Thursday, Feb 16th: 5th Grade Camp Big Spring Orientation Meeting (see info below)
  • **Friday, Feb 17th: 5th Grade Camp Big Springs Registration Forms Sent Home
  • **Friday, Feb 17th: School Community Council Meeting at 9:00am (library) parents invited
  • **Monday, Feb 20th: NO SCHOOL ~ Presidents’ Day

This week in the After School Program

  • After School Academy 1st & 2nd grade meets Monday – Thursday
  • After School Academy 3rd & 4th grade meets Monday – Thursday
  • After School Academy 5th & 6th  grade meets Monday – Thursday
  • Theater 1st – 3rd  grade will meet on Monday & Wednesday
  • Theater 4th – 6th grade will meet on Thursday only
  • Robotics Club meets on Tuesday & Thursday

***We will not have Theater 4-6th on Tuesday, February 14th.

5th Grade Camp Big Springs

Each summer Provo City School District, in conjunction with Provo City Parks and Recreation, provides an Outdoor Education (summer STEM camp) Program. This is a co-curricular program that is an extension of the current fifth grade STEM curriculum. Students just finishing fifth grade are invited to participate and will spend five days at a camp located up the South Fork of Provo Canyon where they will be involved in activities such as hands-on science experiences, arts & crafts, sports & recreation and campfire programs. See attached flyer for more information.

Camp Big Springs registration forms will be sent home Friday, Feb 17th.  An optional orientation meeting for parents and students will be held on Thursday, Feb 16th at 6:00pm at Sunset View Elementary School Auditorium. 

WIDA Testing

Our ELL students will be taking the WIDA ACCESS test the first part of February. This test measures students’ academic English usage in reading, writing, speaking, and listening. The test scores will be used to determine support for academic English development and to show academic English progress. Please be sure your child is here at school everyday, gets a good night’s rest, and eats breakfast so they are prepared to do their very best on the test. If you have any questions regarding this testing, please contact Ruth Ann Snow or Michelle Blair 

Family Reads

Parents, just a reminder that effective now, instead of each family being able to request a free book, we are opening it up to each student! We hope this change will help build your family library at home and encourage reading at home together as a family. Please be sure to submit a request for your free book on our Family Reads form!

If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Blair. (


Sign up to decorate your teacher’s door for Staff Appreciation Week! The theme this year is “Working at Spring Creek is a Walk in the Park (Jurassic Park)”. Decorations need to be completed by March 24th.

Contact Crystal Blodgett with any questions 801-735-1603 or

2023-24 Preschool Registration

Registration has begun for the  2023-24 Provo City School District Title I Preschool. See attached flyer for more information. 


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