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Provo City School District

Spring Creek Elementary School

November 19, 2023

Dear Spring Creek Families,

Now that we are a few months into the school year, I wanted to share a NEW map of Spring Creek’s carpool drop-off and pick up procedures. While the procedures have not changed, the map illustrates more clearly these important safety guidelines. I hope you will take the time to review the map and follow the procedures so we can ensure the safety of students, parents, staff and visitors. In addition, be on the lookout for new signs to be posted.

Please use the following guidelines as you drop off and pick up your students.

  1. Do not use the front of the school for dropping students off during bus times. Our buses arrive between 8:15-8:40. The buses exit between 8:25‐8:45. These are all approximate times. After school, you should not enter this area between 3:20-3:40 and on Fridays between 1:20-1:40. Buses can be early or late. Please do not use the roundabout or front area for dropping off or picking up students during these times. There is not enough clearance space for the buses and cars in the same location.
  2. Student drop off and pick up is on the north end of the school.
  3. The right lane from the driveway entrance all the way around and up the hill is for drop off or pick up. Vehicles may stop in this lane to drop off or pick up students. You must fit against the curb and clear the bus lane to stop in the lane parallel to the school.
  4. The left lane is for through traffic only. Do not stop in this lane to drop off or pick up students. This is dangerous, as students have to walk between cars to arrive at your vehicle.
  5. If there isn’t stopping space available in the right lane, you can park in the parking area and use the crosswalk to walk your child back to your car.
  6. Pedestrian crossings are marked. Please use them instead of walking between cars. This is very dangerous and we have already had a few near misses.
  7. As you exit the parking area, you should yield to those driving in the left lane of through traffic. If the through traffic lane gets backed up, merging every other car would be appropriate.

Lastly, we encourage everyone to be free from distractions and mindful of students who walk or bike to and from school while you enter and exit school parking lots. Thank you for your help and support!

Mrs. Snow, Principal

Upcoming Calendar Items

**Wednesday Nov 22nd – Friday Nov 24th: No School ~ Thanksgiving Break

**Monday Nov 27th: School Resumes

After School Program this week

Important – We will NOT have after school program this week on Monday, November 20th and Tuesday, November 21st. After school program will resume next week on Monday, November 27th.


Choir will meet this Tuesday, November 21st.

Santa Shop is right around the corner!

We need volunteers the week of Santa Shop to help students shop. We’ll need assistance during the school day December 5th-8th. We appreciate all our volunteers immensely. For every shift that you come and help, you will be entered into a drawing for a $25 Amazon gift card! You can sign up for shifts here:!/showSignUp/10C0F4EACA72FA0FA7-santa7


Need some Holiday help for Christmas? Feel free to contact our Social Worker at for resources! 


Our STEM Fair is going to be on February 1st, 2024. It’s time to start to think about your STEM Fair project! All grades are welcome to participate in our school STEM Fair. 5th and 6th graders will have the opportunity to participate in the District and the Central Utah STEM Fair. For more information, please visit our website here. 

Important School Title I Information

We are attaching our updated School-Parent-Family Compact, Parent and Family Engagement Policy, and current School Plan for your reference. These were developed by a team of parents, teachers, and administrators. Please look over them and contact Ruth Ann Snow or Michelle Blair if you have any questions about any of them. They are all also available on our school website at any time on the Title I page (linked here).

SC_Parent Compact_fy24_Eng

SC_Parent Compact_fy24_Spa

SC_Parent Engagement_fy24_Eng

SC_Parent Engagement_fy24_Spa

SC SIP FY24_Elementary

SC_FY 23-24 TI Annual Meeting slides

Community Events Information & Flyers

See attached Community Events Flyer


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