Important Information and Dates for Week of April 24th
April 23, 2023
Dear Spring Creek Families,
The school year is beginning to wind down and there are a lot of important items that I’d ask you to review in this week’s newsletter. In preparation for next school year, I will be sharing a Parent Input Google Form on Sunday, April 30, 2023 that gives parents the opportunity to share their input about their child’s teacher placement next year. The Google Form will close on Friday, May 5, 2023. Requests for class changes after this date will not be considered until after the first term of school is over and if there are extenuating circumstances. As you know, teachers go through a painstaking, thoughtful process when dividing students into new classes. Making changes after this process has been carefully completed, causes disruptions and unbalanced classes. Students will receive a letter the last day of school informing them of who their teacher will be in the 2023-24 school year.
Thank you for your trust and support as we make these decisions.
Mrs. Snow, Principal
Kindergarten Chromebooks & Chargers
ChromeBooks and Chargers that were sent home with your child at the beginning of the year were due back to the school by Friday, April 21st. If you have not returned the Chromebook and charger please return it tomorrow, Monday April 24th.
This Week in the After School Program
~ After School Academy 1st & 2nd grade meets Monday – Thursday
~ After School Academy 3rd & 4th grade meets Monday – Thursday
~ Robotics Club meets on Tuesday & Thursday
*** This will be the last week of what is left of the After School Program / Classes.
*** The Robotic Club Competition will be this Thursday, April 27th. 3:45 – 4:45 pm in the Spring Creek gym, this event is only for the Robotics participants and their families.
RISE Testing Schedule
Tuesday, April 25th thru Thursday, April 27th
- 12:30-1:30 (5th Grade / English Language Arts)
- 1:00-2:00 (4th Grade / English Language Arts)
- 1:30-2:30 (6th Grade / English Language Arts)
Monday, May 1st thru Wednesday, May 3rd
- 12:30-1:30 (5th Grade / Science)
Tuesday, May 2nd thru Thursday, May 4th
- 9:00-10:00 (3rd Grade / English Language Arts)
- 1:00-2:00 (4th Grade / Science)
Tuesday, May 9th thru Thursday, May 11th
- 9:00-10:00 (3rd Grade / Math)
- 12:30-1:30 (5th Grade / Math)
- 1:00-2:00 (4th Grade / Math)
- 1:30-2:30 (6th Grade / Math)
School Lunch Debts
All school lunch balances need to be paid in full by the end of the school year.
Family Reads Program
Parents, there aren’t many weeks left to request your free books from Family Reads! Be sure to fill out our Family Reads form to request a book for each of your students! We’ve added new books so you’ll want to check it out! If you have any questions please visit our school website, or email! Thank you!
PCSD second annual “Night for All Families
Provo City School District’s second annual “Night for All Families” is May 6, 5:00pm-7:00pm at the Grandview Learning Center. All families of students, parents/guardians, are invited and everyone can bring guests. See attached flyer for more information. **flyer:
Boys and Girls Club Summer Program
Please refer to the attached flyer for information about the program.
2023-24 Kindergarten Registration
New student registration for the 2023-24 school year began March 15th. Your child must be 5 years old on or before September 1, 2023 to be enrolled in Kindergarten. Registration is a 3-step process, mainly done online. Appointment preferred for in person registration. Visit the New Student Registration web page for more information and to begin the registration process. Contact the school office at 801-370-4650 with any questions.
2023-24 Preschool Registration
Registration has begun for the 2023-24 Provo City School District Title I Preschool. Link for information and to register