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Provo City School District

Spring Creek Elementary School

We are very excited by the recent announcement that Spring Creek Elementary will be recognized as a 2017 National Title I Distinguished School! at the National Title I Conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania ~  February 8, 2018

The National Title I Distinguished School Program honors schools across the country for helping students achieve higher educational standards. These schools stand out because of their innovative approaches to teaching and learning, focused professional development opportunities for staff, individualized programs for student success and strong partnerships between the school, parents and the community. To be considered for this award a school must demonstrate that they have closed the achievement gap for disadvantaged student groups, excel in serving special population groups such as English learners or show exceptional student performance for two or more consecutive years.

Spring Creek students come from very diverse backgrounds. Several are challenged with high mobility, learning a new language or poverty. Two years ago, principal Jill Franklin came to the school and through her compassionate leadership, she has nurtured a new, positive culture. Principal Franklin has emphasized the importance of working effectively with all students and families, regardless of known and unknown obstacles for learning and has focused the faculty, community, and students on research-based instructional strategies.

“This most impressive high level of commitment to ‘teach the kids we have’ has paid off with the attainment of new heights in student achievement” states Superintendent Keith Rittel. “The school is focused on the success of all students. The administration and faculty carefully study data to ensure that all students, including some in the most challenging sub-groups, are learning at high levels. Many of these students have also become leaders in the school, stepping forward to add to the already positive school culture. The administration and faculty is partnering with parents and the community on levels not previously observed at this school, and the results are most remarkable. Spring Creek Elementary School has turned the corner, and has become a model for how to do things right.”

Congratulations Spring Creek on this well-deserved award!


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