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Provo City School District

Spring Creek Elementary School

Happy New Year!!

As we ring in the New Year it is an exciting time to reflect on our accomplishments and review goals for what we have left to do in this school year. Can you believe that we are coming up on the mid-year mark? Where did the time go? The students and teachers worked hard to the very last day before the break to get second term testing completed. The preliminary reviews look fantastic for many of our students. They worked hard and stayed focused. I am proud of them and their efforts to show their best work.

Don Lancaster, an American author, inventor and microcomputer pioneer said, “Most “impossible” goals can be met simply by breaking them down into bite size chunks, writing them down, believing them, and then going full speed ahead as if they were routine.” We will be helping students look at their mid-year progress, breaking what they have left to do into bite size chunks and then going full speed ahead as if it is just the routine. We know how to do hard things at Spring Creek and we know we can achieve our goals.

If you haven’t had a chance to review the school report card issued by the state please take a few minutes to do so. Here is the link:

The state is no longer giving out letter grades. At first glance it might be difficult to determine what the report card is showing. I will be trying to help explain some of the highlights in coming School Community Council and PTA meetings. I would like you to know that Spring Creek received one of the four exemplary ratings issued to elementary schools in Provo City School District for the sub categories that were listed. Our exemplary rating was given for our progress. Spring Creek knocks it out of the park for students of all levels showing progress. It is our mission that we all show continuous progress – no matter where we all strive to get to the next level of performance and help each other do the same. The Spring Creek Learning Community, which includes everyone that works or learns or helps us do so, is an amazing group. I dare say unlike most learning communities. Thank you for being such an important member of this team.

We have so many exciting opportunities happening in the next weeks. Please visit the school website and social media often so that you don’t miss a thing. We are definitely moving full steam ahead for the last half of this year.

I also want to take this opportunity to thank all those teachers, students, families, friends and community members that came together in the spirit of giving to help members of the Spring Creek Community that needed help during this holiday season. Many needs were met, tears shed and grateful hearts filled. A huge shout out to Logan Telford, Kami Brimhall and Kimmy Martinez for all that they did to make it happen.

Happy New Year Everyone!! Mrs. Franklin


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