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Provo City School District

Spring Creek Elementary School

The School Climate Survey for Students: Elementary is a confidential survey used to identify school climate issues within our school. The survey for elementary school students includes 20 questions and should take no more than six minutes to complete. The survey is confidential, but parents/guardians should be given the option to opt out if desired. The data collected from the survey will be used to identify student perceptions of school climate issues within our school. School staff use the results to inform our efforts at improving our school climate. Responses are housed securely in an anonymous format with the USBE (Utah State Board of Education). Opt out forms need to be completed and returned to the school by April 23rd. Surveys will be administered to classes April 26 – May 7th.

Parental Notification/Opt-out Form – School Climate Survey

La encuesta sobre el ambiente escolar: la encuesta de la escuela primaria es una encuesta anónima que se usa para identificar problemas en el ambiente escolar de nuestra escuela. La encuesta para los estudiantes de la escuela primaria incluye 21 preguntas y no debe tomar más de 15 minutos terminarla. Esta encuesta es anónima pero los padres/tutores tienen la opción de no participar en esta encuesta si así lo desean. Los datos recopilados en esta encuesta se usarán para conocer la opinión de los estudiantes sobre los problemas en el ambiente escolar de nuestra escuela. El personal de la escuela usa estos resultados para informarse mejor en nuestros esfuerzos por mejorar nuestro ambiente escolar. Las respuestas se guardan de forma segura en un formato anónimo dentro del USBE. Los formularios de exclusión voluntaria deben completarse y devolverse a la escuela antes del 23 de abril. Las encuestas se administrarán a las clases del 26 de abril al 7 de mayo.

Aviso para los padres/ formulario de exclusión de la encuesta sobre el ambiente escolar


April 21, 2024 Dear Spring Creek Families, It is hard to believe that we only have a handful of weeks left in the school year! We are beginning the second week of state RISE testing in the upper...

BIO: I am so excited to be the Assistant Principal at Spring Creek. I grew up in Provo and went to school here too. I began my career in education in Provo as a teacher at Joaquin Elementary where I...

Early Learning Essentials (Mountainland Head Start), a non-profit Head Start Preschool offers free preschool services to low-income and disadvantaged children (information below). Children enrolled...

Fees $250 Early Registration Fee Mar 1 – 31 $300 Regular Registration Fee Apr 1 – June 30 $350 Late Registration Fee July 1 – 30 Calendar July 23—Equipment Handouts July...

Dear Spring Creek Families, It’s been a great week here at Spring Creek! We celebrated 20 new Student Hawks of the Month for April. We are proud of our students setting such good examples for us...

April 7, 2024 Dear Spring Creek Families, THANK YOU to our amazing PTA and many volunteers for making Staff Appreciation Week absolutely incredible! We recognize the countless hours and great...
