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Provo City School District

Spring Creek Elementary School


I was thinking about what message I wanted to share with you this month and as I read this message, I realized that I feel these same feelings even more intensely now than I did then.  So I am recycling and sharing it with you again. Since the time this message was first written Spring Creek was named a Title I Distinguished school. I was named UT PTA Principal of the Year 2018. Mrs. Gylseth was named the UT State Outstanding Educator of the Year 2019. Spring Creek continues to receive recognition for its exemplary progress scores. We have implemented STEAM Fridays. Our students have been recognized for outstanding performance in areas from science to the arts. Basically, It just keeps getting better.

Are you all as shocked as I am that this is our last newsletter of the school year?  At the beginning of this school year I read a friend’s post on Facebook. She explained that she chose a word to guide and direct her year.  In all of the experiences that passed during the year she related them to her chosen word. I loved this idea. I chose the word appreciation for this school year.  It seems appropriate that I share the appreciation I have for my work at Spring Creek.

Here is my appreciation list:

  • I appreciate teachers that work long hours planning lessons, guiding student behavior, improving practice, loving students and so much more.
  • I appreciate support staff – paras, extended day staff, secretaries, health and counseling staff, lunchroom staff, custodial staff – that step up to help take care of whatever needs to be done and care about our kids.
  • I appreciate students that do their best to make progress and be learners.  They work hard every day at being kind, safe and responsible. They aren’t perfect but they are pretty awesome and I can’t imagine my life without them.
  • I appreciate parents that work with me to provide the best we can for their kids, parents that enrich the lives of not only their own children but all of the children at Spring Creek.  They share access to resources and connections. Parents that will work with our school team up to help make the educational experience of our students a good one.
  • I appreciate my family that supports me in my passion to make a difference.  They understand that I work hard and they share me with about 500 students, their parents and my staff.  They never make me feel guilty for the time I spend away from them.
  • I appreciate the people that influence me to do better and be better.  I really do have a beautiful life.

I could continue on and on with this appreciation list because I find things to appreciate just about every day.  It keeps me coming back after hard days. It also adds to the joy of the good days, and it creates hope for future days.  I challenge you to find what you can appreciate in each day and to help your children to do the same. This time of year can be full of busy tasks that we may not appreciate.  Don’t let those tasks prevent you from finding what you do appreciate. I appreciate that you share your children with me. I appreciate the opportunity to finish up this year and plan for the next.  Let’s do this!

Mrs Franklin

Spring Creek Principal



  • 3- Choir/Opera Presents Mr Wuffles @ 10am
    • Evening Performance @ 7pm
  • 10- Box Top Collection
  • 16 – Band/Orchestra Instrumenta Assembly @ 10am
    • Evening performance @ 7pm
  • 17- Kindergarten LAST DAY of School
    • Kindie Picnic @ 11:40a
    • Kindie Dance Festival @ 12:45p
    • 4th & 5th- Formal Dinner
    • 6th- Field Trip- Formal Dinner
  • 20-22- Kindergarten Testing by appointment only
  • 20 – 4th Field Trip
  • 21- 5th Field Trip
  • 22- FIELD DAY!
  • 23- Preschool LAST DAY
    • 6th grade Graduation @ 9am in gym
  • 24- Last day of School- Release @1:30p
    • 10:30a  Dance Festival ~ Please bring your own chairs or blankets to sit on


Come enjoy performances by our Spring Creek Students

Friday, May 24th 10:30 a.m. at the Spring Creek Roundabout

Concessions will be sold! Everything is a dollar per item!

  • $1.00 Hot Dog
  • $1.00 Soda
  • $1.00 Chips
  • $1.00 Cotton Candy

*All proceeds go directly back to our school choir, opera, and music program.

Dance Festival PDF Announcement

6th Grade Music Performance


Thursday, May 16, 7:00 p.m. (In school performance will be at 10:00 a.m.)

We ask that the students arrive a half hour early to tune their instruments, and be ready to be on stage.  Please arrive at 6:30 p.m.

Attendance is mandatory!  We would like to celebrate the hard work of each musical ensemble this year.  Please make it a priority to be there that night!


*Thursday, May 2nd is the FINAL day for book checkout this school year. The last day for returning books is Tuesday, May 21st. Overdue notices will be going out the first week of May. Please take some time to look for any books that may have been misplaced and get them back to their library home!

*Our Battle of the Books team did an awesome job at the district competition! They worked together and represented our school so well. We look forward to next year where we will add 5th and 6th grades teams to our Battle of the Books program. Interested students can pick up a copy of next year’s tentative reading list from Mrs. Laughlin. Get a head start and start reading over the summer!


Monthly Drawing

Congratulations to Kaylee Vivian for winning our monthly Box Tops drawing!

School Wide Contest!

Mrs. Reeve’s class is in the lead with 335 Box Tops turned in so far!

Next Box Top collection is May 10th.

This is the last collection for the year!


Stop the “summer slide ” & join us on reading adventures this summer at Spring Creek Elementary’s LIT CAMP. Spring Creek will be holding a Summer Enrichment Program in June. Administration, Teacher, and School Social Worker referrals will be given priority for enrollment. Once all referrals have been received, any open spots will be announced and made available for open enrollment on a first come, first serve basis. The goal of summer program is to provide literacy support along with Sports, Culture, games, and other fun enrichment activities. The program will offer free breakfast and lunch as well as bus transportation for those who regularly ride the bus to school. If your child has received a summer referral form, please return the form by May 13th!!

Program Details

Monday, June 3rd – Thursday, June 27th

Monday – Thursday

9:00am – 12:00pm

Please feel free to contact Kimmy Martinez, Extended Learning Coordinator, with any questions you may have regarding our Summer Program. Office 801.370.4650 ext 2481 or email

RISE / DIBELS End of Year Testing Schedule ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Parents of 3rd-6th Graders: RISE Testing is coming soon!  We are excited for students to show all that they have been learning this year as they participate in state testing.  Our testing sessions will be on Tuesdays and Wednesdays From April 17 -May 8.  PLEASE make sure your chIldren are at school on those days and that they come ready to do their best!

3rd graders will have 4 testing sessions of about an hour each 4th and 6th graders will have 6 testing sessions of about an hour each 5th graders will have 7 sessions of about an hour each If you have any questions about RISE testing please contact Lori Carlson.

It is very important that your child is in school on their testing day. Please do not plan trips or appointments that will take your child out of school during this time.

Please help your child get enough sleep, eat well, and be on time to school. This will really help the teachers with this testing season and make it a great experience for your child.

**If you have any questions please contact your teacher**

Kindergarten Testing by appointment only May 20th-22nd

RISE Testing:

If you would like more information on the State RISE assessments, go to the RISE Portal website. Students and Parents can see sample RISE test questions and practice using the online tools to prepare for these assessments.

April 30th-May 1st ~ Grades 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th

May 7th–8th ~ Grades 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th

May 14th-15th ~ Final RISE Makeups

DIBELS Testing: May 13th–17th ~ Grades 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th

2019 Summer Child Nutrition Program- Starts June 4th

Hunger doesn’t take a Summer Vacation!

Nutritious Summer Meals for Children and Teens Aged 1-18 Years

Please note the addition of two NEW summer meal sites! Download full District letter to find all locations down below.

English PDF Summer Nutrition Program

Spanish PDF Programa de Nutricion de Verano


The Provo School District Family Liaisons have put together a fun and fantastic list of activities you can do around the county during the summer. Please take advantage of this information during your time off this summer.

Print out your Provo Summer Activity List today!

School Calendars

All Events Calendar

Spring Creek Calendar

School Year Calendar

Social Media

Follow us for exciting news, updates & fun school up- dates at:

  • Instagram: @springcreekprovo
  • Facebook:
  • Twitter: @SpringCreekPCSD

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What an amazing event and fun night put together by our wonderful PTA! It was so great to see all of our students and families having so much fun! Thank you to our hardworking and talented PTA and...

September 20, 2024 Spring Creek Parents,      A BIG thank you to our PTA for getting things lined up for the Spring Creek Spectacular on Monday!  Today we saw our school shirts for the...

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