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Provo City School District

Spring Creek Elementary School


Christmas is coming, which means it’s the time of year where the PTA transforms our school library into our very own Santa Shoppe! This is an opportunity for the children to purchase inexpensive gifts for their family and friends. As a PTA, we always look forward to providing this service to our students. It is definitely one of the biggest highlights of the year for the students, the teachers and staff, and the PTA volunteers! The Santa Shoppe is a lot of fun!

It’ll all begin on Tuesday, December 3rd, when the students will get to visit the shop with their classmates and preview everything that our store has to offer. They will then have the opportunity to create a wish list that they will bring home with them for you to look over.

On Wednesday, December 4th, and Thursday, December 5th, each child will come into the store during their class’ assigned time, and will be able to buy gifts (ranging from five cents to five dollars) for their family and friends. This is the time students will need to have money to purchase their Christmas gift items. Please note that we try to provide lots of options for the students to purchase, but supplies are limited to what we have on hand. We try our best to accommodate all of the students’ wish lists, but if your student has their heart set on something, it is best to send money with them for their class’ assigned shopping time on Wednesday or Thursday. By Friday that item may not be available if parents wait to purchase it themselves. However, we do have a lot of really fun merchandise so shopping on Friday is a great way to purchase gifts for those people on your shopping list.

As mentioned above, the Santa Shoppe will also be open on Friday, December 6th, from 9:30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. so that students can purchase any additional gifts. Adults are also welcome to make purchases during that time, as well as on Thursday afternoon, from 4:30 until 6:00 p.m.

Finally, as many of you know, the Santa Shoppe is a huge endeavor and therefore requires many volunteers. Every year, those who have chosen to volunteer have always said that this is the most rewarding volunteer experience of the year. We have parents, neighbors, and friends of the school who still come back and volunteer at the Santa Shoppe every year just because it is so fun! Each student is accompanied by an adult in the shop so that they can keep track of their purchases, how much money they have, and who they are shopping for. This one-on-one interaction is really fun and rewarding, but we need everyone to help! You should have already received an email and a text with a sign-up link that shows when we need volunteers. We’d love to have everyone help! It’s a low commitment, but a fun way to be a part of our school community and give some Christmas cheer to our awesome Spring Creek students.

We can’t wait to see you all there!

Olivia Goldman & Cristina Bray PTA Co-Presidents



  • 03rd – Santa Shoppe Preview
  • 04-06 – Santa Shoppe
    • *Adults are welcome to shop Thursday evening from 4:30pm to 6:00pm and Friday from 9:00am to 1:30pm
  • 05th – Theater Skit Night for Families of Theater Students @6-7p
  • 13th – 5th grade Parent Engagement activity @ 10:30a
  • 17th -4th grade field trip to The Nut Cracker
  • 20th – 4th grade Parent Engagement @ 8:45a
  • Winter Break 23rd- Jan 3rd.
  • January 6th School Resumes

*****See announcement below for Choir Performance dates*****


An inside recess is rarely called so students need to be prepared with appropriate clothing for the winter conditions. An inside recess would be called if the temperature is 21 degrees or lower, feels like 21 degrees or lower (windchill) or Red Air Quality Day.


No vehicles are allowed in front of the school if buses are in the bus lane. 

Spring Creek Concert Choir Events

Our singers have been preparing a wonderful concert to share!  Come support them at the following performances:

December 5th, 11:00 a.m. Springville Ashford Living 

December 5th, 12:00 noon Provo Rec Center

December 12th 9:00 a.m. Spring Creek Gym 

December 12th 7:00 p.m. Spring Creek Gym 

January 12th, 7:30 a.m. Choir Resumes – all 3rd – 6th graders  encouraged to join!


As we approach the end of the year, we have started some practice rounds for Battle of the Books. There are still 3 more months to read books so encourage your children to start or continue reading. Here are the links to the 3rd/4th grade list and the 5th/6th grade list:

These books would make great Christmas gifts! I have noticed a definite increase in reading since the program has started. Although not all students are on a team, the opportunity to read these books is available to all.

There are some great holiday books out this year! Take a look at this short video presentation to see some of them. The video was put together by the district:

Happy Holidays!

Angela Laughlin, Spring Creek Librarian

AFTER SCHOOL Upcoming Important dates

  • Skit Night for families of Theater Students – Thursday, December 5th,  6:00 – 7:00pm
  • Open enrollment for the Spring Semester 2020 – Monday, December 9th – Wednesday, December 18th (or earlier if class or program becomes full)
  • Last Day of Fall Semester – Thursday, December 12th
  • First Day of Spring Semester – Monday, January 6th (for most classes)
  • First day of Sports Club – Monday, January 13th
  • First Day of Robotics Team – Thursday, January 23rd

Open enrollment for the After School Academy Spring semester program and activities will begin on Monday, December 9th. Then Spring Semester runs from Monday, January 6th – Thursday, April 2nd. Paper enrollment forms will go home with students as well as an email with enrollment forms attached on Monday, December 9th. Classes and activities will be FREE this semester. If your student is currently enrolled in an activity and would like to continue participating, please complete the enrollment form and get it in as soon as possible. All enrollments will be on a first come, first serve basis. It is highly recommended that you return the enrollment form the next day if you are interested in a specific activity / class.

  • Spring Semester 2020 Classes being offered;
  • Club Aerie I (Homework Club) 1st – 3rd grade, Monday – Thursday
  • Club Aerie II (Homework Club 4th – 6th grade, Monday – Thursday
  • Theater I 1st – 3rd grade, Monday & Wednesday
  • Theater II 4th – 6th grade, Tuesday & Thursday
  • Sports Club 3rd & 4th grade, Monday & Wednesday – begins on 01/13/20
  • Sports Club 5th & 6th grade, Tuesday & Thursday – begins on 01/14/20
  • Art Club 1st – 3rd grade, Monday only
  • Art Club 4th – 6th grade, Wednesday only
  • Chess Club 1st – 6th grade, Wednesday & Thursday
  • Robotics Team 5th & 6th grade, Tuesday & Thursday (must have teacher recommendation signature on enrollment form) bergins on 01/23/20

Spring Creek Robotics Team 2020 – We are so excited to be partnering with BYU and have been invited to compete in the BYU Robotics Competition on Saturday, March 28th. 5th and 6th grade students who are interested in signing up to be on the team may do so on the Spring Semester 2020 enrollment form. Students who sign up for the Robotics team will also need their teacher’s signature / recommendation on the enrollment form to be on the team. We may have up to 4 teams of 3 students per team of 5th and 6th grade students. Robotics team members will also be asked to sign a commitment letter to attend classes twice per week and attend the competition at BYU. Good attendance is crucial to the success of our teams!


STEM FAIR is coming up soon on January 23rd! Start planning your projects now!

All forms are due to Miss Stewart by January 17th. You can find the forms on the school website, with your child’s teacher, or in the office. If your student is in K-4th grade, they only need to turn in a permission form. If your student is in 5-6 grade, they have to have a Project Proposal form for each project and parent signature on the back. The top 8 fifth and sixth-grade projects move on to the District STEM Fair on January 31st.

Projects need to be set up in the gym by 8:45 am on January 23rd. Projects can only consist of a poster-board and a notebook/journal. Please don’t bring in any materials or props from your project to display. If you need a poster board, please stop by the office.

Parents are welcome to the STEM Fair from 6-7 on the 23rd. We will be announcing winners at 6:30 pm. All students that participate in the STEM Fair will be put in a drawing to win prizes! Prize information to come! We will also announce the prize winners then as well!

Now hiring! Now hiring!

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School Calendar

Check our school calendar often for non-school days, early release days and events.


Follow us for exciting news, updates & fun school up- dates at:

Instagram: @springcreekprovo


Twitter: @SpringCreekPCSD

For in depth information and detailed school calendar be sure to check our School Website at:


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