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Provo City School District

Spring Creek Elementary School


This last month has been a great one for Spring Creek PTA and for the school! First, we want to start off by recognizing this year’s Golden Apple winner, Mrs. Martinez, one of our first grade teachers! Mrs. Martinez cares deeply about her students and spends hours communicating with parents to provide them with information about their students’ progress and performance at school. She is also very aware of her colleagues. She takes them dinner when they are sick. She takes their bus duty if they need help. She advocates for them as their PEA representative. We love Mrs. Martinez, and so do her students!

Secondly, each year PTA submits a nomination for the Utah PTA Outstanding Educator Award. This is a nomination that most PTAs submit and is extremely difficult to win as the nominee must be highly qualified and have an impressive résumé, not to mention the amount of work that this person has to put in for that application. This year’s nominee is Mrs. Gylseth, our music teacher and choir director. Her application was submitted, and she not only won at the district level and the region level, but she has also won PTA Outstanding Educator for the entire state of Utah! She very much deserves this award. She has been an Elementary Music Educator for the last 15 years. The impact she has made is best summed up by those she serves. One parent recently said of her work, “Mrs. Gylseth understands how music can uplift and edify children as well as give them an outlet to become better, kinder, more responsible people. She is very good at seeing the potential in them and inspiring them to reach that potential. She seems to have an innate ability to understand how everything she says and does to a child will affect their self image and she honors the divine in every child.” Congratulations to Mrs. Gylseth! We are so thankful to have her as an integral part of our Spring Creek team!

Finally, during the last week of March, PTA held its annual Staff Appreciation Week. This is a time where PTA shows its gratitude for all the hard work and kindness and caring that our teachers and staff put into making the students’ learning experience at Spring Creek a rewarding one. This year’s theme was “Fantastical Staff and Where to Find Them”. Those who stopped by the school during that week would have noticed that the school was decorated à la Harry Potter-style, complete with dementors, patronuses, a Diagon Alley brick wall, Ollivander’s shop window, floating candles, an owlery, flying keys, house banners, and much more! Daily treats were provided for the teachers and staff, including some straight from the Honeydukes cart, and a Hogwarts luncheon! We also made sure the students enjoyed themselves by giving them the opportunity to be sorted into their very own Hogwarts’ house, and encouraging them to dress up as their favorite witch or wizard! To top it all off, the week culminated in an assembly where the students got to cheer on their teachers and staff in minute-to-win-it games Triwizard Tournament-style! It was a fun-filled week, and we are so thankful to our teachers and staff for helping to make Spring Creek a great school! And of course, all this would not have been possible without the many parent volunteers who spent countless (and we really mean countless) hours making decorations, decorating the school, making food, helping to serve food, and coming up with so many good ideas that made this week a success! A PTA is only as successful as its volunteers make it, so we really appreciate the tireless efforts that went into this event! Thank you again!

If you would like to be involved in our upcoming events, we’d love to have you! Volunteering at the school is a rewarding experience and you don’t need to be a PTA member to participate. We have needs for people of all interests and availability, so come join us! Our next meeting is this Friday, April 12, at 10 AM in the Spring Creek Library.

Ashley Rayback and Olivia Goldman

Spring Creek PTA Co-Presidents




  • 1-5-  No School- Spring Break
  • 8-  Back to School
  • 12- Box Top Collection
    •  PTA Meeting @ 10am
    • (4th) Field Trip
  • 13 – Robotics Competition
  • 17– (Kindie) Field Trip
  • 22– Choir Field Trip
  • 26- School Community Council Mtg @10am


  • 3- Choir/Opera Assembly @ 10am
    • Evening Performance @ 7pm
  • 10- Box Top Collection
  • 16 – Band/Orchestra Assembly @ 10am
    • Evening performance @ 7pm
  • 22- FIELD DAY!
  • 24- Last day of School- Release @1:30p
    • 12:30 Dance Festival ~ Please bring your own chairs or blankets to sit on




Thursday, March 28th is the last day of the After School Program for the Spring 2019 semester for the following classes;

  • After School Academy 1st – 6th
  • Theater 1st – 6th
  • Yoga
  • Chess Club
  • Coding
  • Sports Club: last day was Thursday, March 14th


Robotics: Last day will be Thursday, April 11th and the Robotics Competition will be at BYU on Saturday, April 13th.

Parents of Robotics students will receive additional details regarding the competition as it gets closer.


Academic Achievers 3rd – 6th grade: Academic Achiever letters were sent home on Tuesday, March 19th with those who need to attend. Enrollment in this class is by teacher recommendation only and runs on a week to week basis, based on the specific needs of each student, for the weeks of April 15th – May 2nd.


HOPE Squad: will continue after Spring Break. Last day will be Wednesday, May 1st.


Spring Creek Summer Program: Monday, June 3rd – Thursday, June 27th

Watch the Spring Creek website and social medias for details regarding Registration and enrollment


Please contact Kimmy Martinez, Extended Learning Coordinator, with any questions you may have regarding this notice. Office 801.370.4650 ext 2481 or



Congratulations to Tyler Watts, Aubrey Urena, Sophia Corona, Nathanael Yamamoto and Foiana Hicks of the Lightning Readers team for winning the Battle of the Books championship at Spring Creek! This team will go on to compete in the district Battle of the Books on April 18th. They will compete against other 3rd and 4th grade teams in the district at 4:30 pm at Provo High School on this day. Way to go, Lightning Readers!

Now is the time to start looking for any lost or overdue library books!  Take some time to do some spring cleaning and look for those books. Don’t forget to check cars, other homes you may have visited or even your classroom libraries. Notices will be sent out soon by email for any books that need to be returned. If books are lost, a fee will be assessed and due before the end of school.  If there are any questions, feel free to contact Mrs. Laughlin at 801-370-4650, ext. 2413.



Monthly Drawing

Congratulations to Elina Samani for winning our monthly Box Tops drawing!

School Wide Contest!

Mrs. Reeve’s class is in the lead with 335 Box Tops turned in so far!

Next Box Top collection is April 12th.

Last collection day for the school year is May 10th.

 Miss the deadline? Don’t worry, turn them into your teacher anytime!



Mr Wuffles PDF announcement



On Tuesday, March 12th Spring Creek was evacuated due to a malfunction in an electrical switch.  The Fire Department was called to inspect the building and determine if it was safe to occupy the building.  We received positive feedback from the Fire Department about our decision to evacuate and how quickly we left the building and arrived at our evacuation location, the church parking lot.  The students and teachers did a very good job remaining calm and making appropriate decisions. We would like to thank all parents that responded to the requests of school staff to have their children remain with us until we were able to complete the evacuation protocol and return to the building.  It was very helpful as having parents enter the parking lot and try to take their children causes confusion and adds another piece for the staff to have to monitor. Just a reminder that protocol for an evacuation is that parents do not come to the school or the church parking lot until they have been notified to do so.  March 12th was a challenge because this all happened so close to dismissal time so many parents were already enroute and just picking up as usual. We debriefed this unplanned emergency evacuation and feel even more prepared. One thing that we will do in the future is station someone at the entrance of the church parking lot to communicate with parents.  Thank you again for so many parents that helped us stay calm and as organized as possible as we took care of this minor emergency.


RISE / DIBELS End of Year Testing Schedule ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Parents of 3rd-6th Graders: RISE Testing is coming soon!  We are excited for students to show all that they have been learning this year as they participate in state testing.  Our testing sessions will be on Tuesdays and Wednesdays From April 17 -May 8.  PLEASE make sure your chIldren are at school on those days and that they come ready to do their best!

3rd graders will have 4 testing sessions of about an hour each 4th and 6th graders will have 6 testing sessions of about an hour each 5th graders will have 7 sessions of about an hour each If you have any questions about RISE testing please contact Lori Carlson.

It is very important that your child is in school on their testing day. Please do not plan trips or appointments that will take your child out of school during this time.

Please help your child get enough sleep, eat well, and be on time to school. This will really help the teachers with this testing season and make it a great experience for your child.

**If you have any questions please contact your teacher**

Kindergarten Testing To Be Announced

RISE Testing:

If you would like more information on the State RISE assessments, go to the RISE Portal website. Students and Parents can see sample RISE test questions and practice using the online tools to prepare for these assessments. 

April 17th ~ 5th Grade

April 23rd–24th ~ Grades 4th, 5th, 6th

April 30th-May 1st ~ Grades 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th

May 7th–8th ~ Grades 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th

May 14th-15th ~ Final RISE Makeups

DIBELS Testing: May 13th–17th ~ Grades 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th

School Calendars

All Events Calendar

Spring Creek Calendar

School Year Calendar

Social Media

Follow us for exciting news, updates & fun school up- dates at:

  • Instagram: @springcreekprovo
  • Facebook:
  • Twitter: @SpringCreekPCSD

Kindergarten had a wonderful time celebrating Apple Day with a variety of fun, apple-themed activities! The students enjoyed making apple necklaces, creating their own "apple man," graphing different...

Yesterday, Mrs Foster's 6th grade class were learning about Density and that hot air is less dense than cool air. We had a black plastic tube filled with air, sealed, and feathered. After a few...

Friends from Utah Valley Regional Medical Center came to visit students at lunch to encourage them to eat fruits & vegetables, to get a good night sleep, and to exercise to stay healthy! Their...

What an amazing event and fun night put together by our wonderful PTA! It was so great to see all of our students and families having so much fun! Thank you to our hardworking and talented PTA and...

September 20, 2024 Spring Creek Parents,      A BIG thank you to our PTA for getting things lined up for the Spring Creek Spectacular on Monday!  Today we saw our school shirts for the...

Mrs. Fosters class is conducting experiments. Combining elements to see if there is a chemical reaction and if something new is created....
