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Provo City School District

Spring Creek Elementary School

October 2, 2022

Dear Parents,

It was a pleasure to see many of you at the school last week visiting your kindergarten students at  Kindie Academy. Our kindergarten teachers are amazing and your students are already making growth in their social emotional skills and academic work. Thank you for supporting them in what for many of them, is their first school experience.

This past week all students, teachers and staff received their school t-shirts! Thank you to PTA for taking our school’s theme this year and bringing it to life on the shirts. Every Friday will be school spirit day. We encourage students to wear their school t-shirts or blue or green to show their school spirit. We are proud to be Spring Creek Hawks!

Lastly, I want to share with you that the Safety and Security Committee and Community Council are meeting monthly. The committee and council are made up of parent volunteers, key staff members, and teacher representatives. I encourage you to visit the school website to learn about what the Community Council does and what our 2022-23 Trustlands Plan’s goals and expenditures will be. In addition, I encourage you to review the district’s focus on safety and security and what schools, including Spring Creek, are doing, to ensure that our building is secure and safe and that we are prepared in case of an emergency. More information can be found at or here:

This Week: Calendar Events

Also be sure to check the school website calendar often at

Friday, Oct 7th

  • School Spirit Day – Wear school shirts or school colors blue or green
  • September Principal Hive Lunch (this is a date change)
  • PTA Meeting – 10:00am – All are welcome!
  • Preschool AM Parent Involvement Activity – 10:30am
  • Preschool PM Parent Involvement Activity – 12:45pm
  • 3rd Grade Parent Involvement Activity – 12:00pm

Please plan to arrive early for parent involvement activities to check in and don’t forget to bring your photo ID with you.

Upcoming Calendar Events

Fall Break – No School, Thursday, Oct 13th – Tuesday, Oct 18th

School Resumes Wednesday, Oct 19th

Picture Make-Up Day – Thursday, Oct 27th (more information to come)

Dental Varnishing – Thursday, Oct 27th (consent forms will be sent home Wed 19th)

From the PTA

PTA meeting 10am in the library on October 7th! All are welcome!

After School Program

This week in after school program;

  • After School Academy 1st & 2nd meets Monday – Thursday
  • Theater 1st – 3rd meets on Monday & Wednesday
  • Theater 4th – 6th meets on Tuesdays & Thursdays
  • Art Club 1st – 3rd meets on Tuesdays
  • Art Club 4th – 6th meetings on Mondays
  • Hope Squad – Wednesday This Week

From the Library

Storybook Pumpkin Patch

We are growing a storybook pumpkin patch in our library and we need your help! Decorate a pumpkin to look like one of your favorite book characters and bring it to our school library to plant in our Storybook Pumpkin Patch! Families, look for a flier to come home with all the information you will need. Once you receive the flier, please fill out the back, decorate your pumpkin and return both to the Spring Creek Library anytime after you receive the flier but no later than October 21st. All pumpkins will be on display until October 28th. Participation is voluntary. Have fun and be creative! 

If you have any questions, you can contact Mrs. Laughlin at or 801-370-4650. 

Reusable Water Bottle Donation

Students will be bringing home reusable water bottles that were donated by Utah Valley Hospital Volunteer Services. We appreciate the generous donation! 

Octubre 2, 2022

Estimados Padres,

Fue un placer ver a muchos de ustedes en la escuela la semana pasada visitando a sus estudiantes de Jardín en la Academia de Kindie. Nuestras maestras son sorprendentes y sus estudiantes ya están creciendo en sus habilidades sociales emocionales y trabajo académico. Gracias por apoyarlos en lo que es para muchos, su primera experiencia escolar.

¡Esta semana pasada todos los estudiantes, maestros y trabajadores de la escuela recibieron las camisetas escolares! Gracias al PTA por traer a la vida nuestro tema escolar este año en nuestras camisetas. Todos los viernes va a ser Dia de Espíritu Escolar. Alentamos a los estudiantes a usar sus camisetas escolares o azul o verde para mostrar espíritu escolar. Estamos orgullosos de ser Halcones de Spring Creek!

En conclusión, quiero compartir con ustedes que el Comité y Cónsul de Seguridad y Protección se van a juntar mensualmente. El comité y cónsul está formado por padres voluntarios, miembros clave de empleados, y representantes de maestros. Los aliento a visitar la página web de la escuela para aprender acerca de lo que el Cónsul de Comunidad hace y lo que nuestras metas de gastos serán para el  Plan de Tierras Fiduciarias 2022-23. En adición, les invito a revisar el enfoque del distrito en protección y seguridad y lo que las escuelas, incluyendo Spring creek, están haciendo, para asegurar que el edificio esté seguro y salvo y que estemos preparados en caso de una emergencia. Más información puede ser encontrada en o aqui:


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